Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guide: Obedience level and badge requirements

Scarlet and Violet
Scarlet and Violet's badges operates slightly different from previous Pokemon titles (Image via Game Freak)

As players explore the Paldea region in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, they will train many Pocket Monsters and find some that are quite strong in the wild. However, depending on the gym badges trainers have collected from the Victory Road storyline, some creatures obtained at a certain experience level may disobey commands.

As players collect subsequent badges, they'll be able to command stronger Pokemon. By the time they've collected all the necessary badges along the Victory Road storyline, they will be able to command any Pocket Monster they acquire without any issues. However, for trainers still navigating their way through Paldea's gym circuit, it may be unclear which creatures of what experience level will obey them.

Badges and obedience work differently in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Badges allow Pokemon trainers to keep their 'mons from disobeying orders (Image via Game Freak)
Badges allow Pokemon trainers to keep their 'mons from disobeying orders (Image via Game Freak)

Unlike many of the older entries in the franchise, badges and obedience work somewhat differently in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Specifically, creatures caught below a player's badge obedience level can train beyond the badge level and still respond to commands. However, any Pocket Monsters caught above a player's badge level will occasionally disobey orders until their trainer has the requisite badges to control them.

For example, a trainer's starter Pokemon or those caught early in the game can be trained above level 25 without the player collecting their first badge. However, if a trainer captures a creature at level 25 or above and they don't have their first badge, they'll have trouble controlling their newfound companion.

In addition, badges don't bestow specific obedience levels, as Scarlet and Violet tie Pokemon obedience to the number of badges a trainer has collected.


Badge Numbers, Effects, and Obedience Levels in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

  • One Badge - Creatures caught at level 25 or lower will obey.
  • Two Badges - Creatures caught at level 30 or lower will obey.
  • Three Badges - Creatures caught at level 35 or lower will obey. 3-star Tera Raid battles are unlocked.
  • Four Badges - Creatures caught at level 40 or lower will obey.
  • Five Badges - Creatures caught at level 45 or lower will obey.
  • Six Badges - Creatures caught at level 50 or lower will obey.
  • Seven Badges - Creatures caught at level 55 or lower will obey. 4-star Tera Raid battles are unlocked.
  • Eight Badges - Pocket Monsters of all levels will obey regardless of the level they are captured at.

In addition to gaining the ability to get monsters of certain levels to obey players' commands, badges also make species easier to catch, depending on their level.

For example, if a player has four badges, not only will Pocket Monsters of level 40 or below obey them, but any creature encountered in the wild at level 40 or below will also be easier to catch. This ensures that players can progress through Victory Road on their own terms without being limited by going to certain gyms or sticking to certain parts of Paldea.

As an added bonus, each gym badge also unlocks new sandwich recipes for the player. Once a trainer has beaten a gym and collected a new badge, it isn't a bad idea to stop by a sandwich shop and speak to the recipe NPC near the counter.

While learning more about badges and obedience in Paldea, check out our other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet coverage:

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