5 Former Superstars who may never return to a WWE ring

Former WWE sensation Paige burst on the scene immediately, only to be sidelined by serious injuries
Former WWE sensation Paige burst on the scene immediately, only to be sidelined by serious injuries

There's a reason WWE always tells its young fans: Don't try this at home.

That's because the company's product, while magnificent at times, is still brutal. Often times, things come down to the 50/50 flip of a coin: Heads, you're a mega star. Tails, you're suddenly damaged goods.

Even with all the planning and precautions in the world, sports entertainment can be a slippery slope to ski on. If it's not injuries that can get you, then it could be money issues or addiction. Politics and greed also factor in from time to time, as well.

Or? It can just be plain, old burnout. It's happened to some of the best and brightest to have ever graced the hallways of Titan Towers.

Here's a look at five former superstars who - for one reason or another -might never return to action in a WWE ring again.

#5 - Enzo Amore is probably on the outs for good

Enzo was not very popular during his time with WWE, as many of his fellow superstars considered him to be "too full of his own sh**". A lot of the veterans were turned off by his hyperactive schtick, especially when it extended beyond the arena.

He also had a tendency to literally injure himself in matches because he wasn't that well-versed in the ring. That made him a liability to himself and those he worked with.

Despite any naysayers, however, Enzo and Big Cass weren't to be denied when they burst onto the scene. They were over with the crowd from day one after making the jump to the main roster.

After being accused of sexual misconduct, Amore was released by the company in 2018. Although those charges were eventually dropped, WWE hasn't shown any real interest in bringing Amore back.

His partner, Cass, might be a different story. But for now, it looks like Enzo's best bet is to stick to the rap game. At least there? He can put his incredible mic skills to work.

#4 - Nia Jax seems to be living her best days now

Some might think this is a good thing, given Nia's penchant for accidentally injuring several of her fellow performers.

Most notably, she busted Becky Lynch's nose during a Survivor Series 'invasion build-up'. While unfortunate, it was at that point that Becky Lynch went from the Irish Lashkicker to being 'The Man'. So, in essence, she probably owes Jax a thank you for being a part of her organic rise to superstardom.

Nia Jax never seemed to enjoy wrestling as much as some of her other family members. She was constantly being harassed about her weight on social media (even though WWE wanted her to be bulkier and a powerhouse).

Nia seems content with her life now and has expressed many times on Twitter and other platforms that she has no intention of returning to WWE.

#3 - Gail Kim should be in the Hall of Fame, but it's doubtful she will ever have any ties to WWE again

As one of the greatest female performers of all time, you would think that Gail Kim is a shoo-in for a return match and a Hall of Fame induction. However, it doesn't appear that it's going to shake out that way.

At a time when the Divas division had been relegated to two-minute matches or bikini contests, Kim had grown disgusted with the company's direction. Quite frankly? She was a real wrestler in a world of circus acts and nonsense.

She eliminated herself from a battle royal to exit the company as discreetly as possible. Even later, when WWE began to take women's wrestling seriously, she remained steadfast that she would never return.

Kim has also been quick to point out the atmosphere of sexism and racism that she experienced while part of the company.

Bottom line: She's not shy about her opinions or wavering about her convictions. With her also having retired and now heading up IMPACT Wrestling's Knockouts Division, it's doubtful we will ever see her in a WWE ring again.

#2 - Ryback made the decision easy for WWE

There's a laundry list of reasons why Ryback is on the outs with WWE.

Firstly, he had a reputation for being way too stiff in the ring and injuring opponents. The fastest way to become unpopular in the locker room is to put another guy in a position where his livelihood is threatened.

Ryback was also a little too full of himself during his stint with the promotion and rubbed many of the locker room leaders the wrong way.

When respected stars like John Cena or The Undertaker have something to say about the way you carry yourself? You better march right, soldier. Because if you don't, there are plenty of guys to replace you. That's exactly what happened to Mr. 'Feed Me More'.

Lastly, he's dug himself quite a hole with the McMahon family and WWE with inflammatory comments he's made on his podcast. At this point, the return on investment for a risk like Ryback is null and void. The juice isn't worth the squeeze, despite him once having enormous potential.

#1 - Paige will always be an enigma

Perhaps no woman in the history of World Wrestling Entertainment has been a bigger phenom than Paige. Hers is truly a tragic tale of what might have been.

When the UK native entered the company at the age of 19, she already had years of experience from growing up in a wrestling family. She was so young and talented that all anyone could see was a franchise player... surrounded by dollar signs.

Unfortunately, fame came a little too fast for the young starlet. She began engaging in a double life: an angel on the screen, but a temptress behind the scenes.

In time, her condition began to run rampant.

She was out of action with multiple injuries, beset by the leaking of some of her rather 'personal' videos and in a volatile relationship with then-fiancee, Alberto del Rio.

That's when her most serious injury of them all then occurred, effectively ending her comeback just as it was getting started.

While Paige is likely to get cleared to wrestle somewhere, it most likely will never again be with WWE. They have tried to be as strict as they possibly can regarding these types of major injuries. So it's doubtful that this once shining star will ever burn bright in World Wrestling Entertainment again.