5 popular champions that made an impact in League of Legends MSI 2022 so far (and 5 that did not)

Every champion that did and did not make a mark at MSI 2022 to date (Image via League of Legends)
Every champion that did and did not make a mark at MSI 2022 to date (Image via League of Legends)

The champion meta at League of Legends MSI (Mid-Season Invitational) 2022 has been interesting, to say the least. There has been a massive difference between what fans have witnessed before and how things have evolved during this tournament.

Apart from the midlane, every other area has been drastically affected, giving the tournament a breath of fresh air. In any case, the following article provides a list of every champion that has been extremely popular and those that have failed to leave a mark.

It primarily focuses on the presence rate of the champion, which is a combination of both the pick rate and the ban rate. However, if a champion has a high pick rate but a very low win rate, one with a higher balance between the two has been considered.

Note: All stats here have been calculated till day 2 of the Rumble Stage at League of Legends MSI 2022

5 popular champions in League of Legends MSI 2022 who made an impact

1) Ahri

Ahri is the most popular champion at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Ahri is the most popular champion at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst the long list of champions that have existed in the current meta, Ahri is the one who has made the most impact at League of Legends MSI 2022. Her rework has been instrumental, and the fact that she provides so much agency makes her so strong.

Her mobility, charm, and the burst she does in quite insane, which is why she not only has a 100% presence rate (17 picks and 31 bans) but a 59% win rate as well, which is definitely commendable.

2) Lucian

Lucian has risen up in the meta after the fall of other popular ADC's (Image via League of Legends)
Lucian has risen up in the meta after the fall of other popular ADC's (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst every other ADC that is present within the game, Lucian is the one who managed to have the highest impact of all. This champion has a 100% presence rate (3 picks and 45 bans), which clearly shows how much professional players respect him in the game.

This is simply because Lucian is very good at maintaining a push lane. He can clear waves very quickly and ensure that if the jungler comes in to drop a Rift Herald, or if the jungler simply wants the botlane to take part in a fight somewhere, then Lucian can make it possible.

Apart from that, his damage output is too high and he can snowball games very quickly, making it annoying to deal with him. He also has a 100% win rate, which proves the points made above.

3) Wukong

Wukong's passive makes him an asset in team fights (Image via League of Legends)
Wukong's passive makes him an asset in team fights (Image via League of Legends)

When Wukong received buffs back in patch 12.7, no one expected him to be this powerful. However, it seems he is not just powerful but quite problematic as well. Wukong has a passive where he gains armor, which makes him very strong against AD (Attack Damage) champions.

He can dive towers efficiently, confuse opponents with his clones very easily, and dish out huge damage that can destroy squishy champions. In most cases, going head-to-head against a Wukong is tough, and that is why he usually gets banned in the first phase itself.

Wukong, as of now, has a 93% presence rate (17 picks and 28 bans) and a 65% win rate.

4) LeBlanc

In the right hands, LeBlanc is a menace (Image via League of Legends)
In the right hands, LeBlanc is a menace (Image via League of Legends)

LeBlanc is a champion who had very little chance of making her way into the rift on MSI 2022, as in most cases, she ended up getting banned. She has a 79% presence rate (10 picks and 28 bans), mustering an 80% win rate thus far.

This stat of hers is quite instrumental as she gets banned the most against players like Caps, Xiaohu, and Faker, who can demolish opponents with LeBlanc. Most players are scared to play against them and do not want to give them the scope to take over games.

LeBlanc's mobility, late game scaling, and poke damage capabilities are so high that she can pretty much one-shot a tank if needed.

5) Gwen

Gwen's toplane presence has grown to massive proportions on account of the buffs (Image via League of Legends)
Gwen's toplane presence has grown to massive proportions on account of the buffs (Image via League of Legends)

Finally, the last champion to consider in this year's MSI is none other than Gwen. She has been on the priority list of every toplaner, as after her buffs, she has become insanely strong.

Once she gets farmed up, she can take on multiple champions all by herself and come out on top. In truth, her entire presence, starting from the laning phase to the late game, is insane as her kit, along with the damage output, is off the charts.

As of now, Gwen has a 79% presence rate (24 picks and 14 bans) and a 67% win rate.

5 popular champions who failed to make an impact at League of Legends MSI 2022

1) Tristana

Tristana, despite being strong, is struggling to get wins (Image via League of Legends)
Tristana, despite being strong, is struggling to get wins (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst every champion that has made its way into the tournament, Tristana is one who was predicted to do a lot but failed to deliver as of yet. She has a 46% presence rate (10 picks and 12 bans) and a mere 30% win rate.

Tristana is a champion who is expected to have a massive lane presence, immense pushing power, and late game scaling. However, it seems teams have figured out a way around her and know how to successfully counter all her positives.

2) Samira

Samira's kit seems to be quite ineffective against professional players (Image via League of Legends)
Samira's kit seems to be quite ineffective against professional players (Image via League of Legends)

Amongst the various ADCs that have made their way up the ladder at MSI 2022, Samira is one who looked extremely promising. She received a few buffs in patch 12.5 and was supposed to have an explosive presence in the botlane.

Unfortunately, she has failed miserably up until now, as despite a 23% presence rate (4 picks and 7 bans), she has a 0% win rate. It seems every professional team has an answer to Samira in every possible way and that major regions do not prefer her ahead of Kai'Sa or Lucian.

3) Ryze

Ryze has completely lost his footing at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Ryze has completely lost his footing at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

Ryze is probably one of the most popular champions who has become non-existent in the MSI 2022 meta. As of now, Ryze has only a mere 8% presence rate (2 picks and 2 bans) and a 0% win rate.

This champion was considered as someone who was a counter to not just Twisted Fate but a late game scaling monster who also had a very good global presence. The problem is that in its current state, Ryze loses lane against every champion in existence.

His damage is abysmal and offers nothing in team fights. This has led to his massive downfall right from the top.

4) Jinx

Jinx's nerfs have completely destroyed her presence in the botlane (Image via League of Legends)
Jinx's nerfs have completely destroyed her presence in the botlane (Image via League of Legends)

Among all the popular champions who got demolished quite hard in terms of impact at MSI 2022, Jinx is probably the worst. This champion was the number one priority for players and would be picked or banned in every match back during Spring Splits.

However, now all that has changed. Jinx has been completely forgotten and sits with only a 4% presence rate (1 pick and 1 ban) and 0% win rate. Jinx's nerfs hit her in-game impact massively, and it looks very unlikely that this scenario will change anytime soon.

5) Tryndamere

Tryndamere's nerfs also affected him very hard, and he has gone absent at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)
Tryndamere's nerfs also affected him very hard, and he has gone absent at MSI 2022 (Image via League of Legends)

The final champion on this list is none other than Tryndamere, who has also dropped down the meta ladder in quite a disastrous manner. This is a champion who basically had the ability to cut enemies while diving under enemy towers without the fear of dying.

He started with a weak laning phase, but after level 6, Tryndamere used to take over games. However, at MSI 2022, he barely has a 25% presence rate (6 picks and 6 bans) and a 33% win rate.

Note: The article reflects the writer's own views.

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