Top 5 Overwatch 2 team compositions for D.Va

Let's dive right into some of the best composition for D.Va (image via Blizzard Entertainment))

Overwatch 2's popularity has been on the rise ever since its release. Despite the ever-shifting meta season after season, and numerous modifications to the maps, the urge to rank higher is still there. All the well-liked Heroes from the first game have been added to the newer one, including D.Va. She remains one of the flexible tank Heroes with swift mobility, despite all the various nerfs and buffs.

This former South Korean video gamer is easy to play, so the veterans as well as the new players joining the game are inclined to pick her for any kind of team composition. Let’s dive right into lineups that are suitable for D.Va and the ways that players can make use of her.

Disclaimer: The team compositions are subjective and solely reflect the author’s personal opinion.

Exploring best Overwatch 2 compositions that consist of D.Va


Since she's a Tank Hero, D.Va has more health than others in Overwatch 2, thus the ability to take some damage and create some space for the team. All you have to keep in mind is that you can use her in any kind of composition or in any type of playstyle, whether it’s Arcade, Open Queue, or Competitive modes.

We will mainly focus on the competitive aspect of the game and playing her alongside other heroes. As Overwatch 2 is a 5v5 structure that allows only a single Tank, which is a change from the previous title, you will have to use D.Va with a proper set of Heroes.

1) D.Va, Reaper, Pharah, Mercy, Ana


There are a plethora of maps in Overwatch 2. Between them, those like Route 66, Circuit Royal, Eichenwalde, etc. are quite open, making it simple for D.Va to hover around with the help of her Boosters. With her mobility, she can dive at the low-health targets and poke them.

The Pharah and Mercy combo, also known as Pharmacy in the Overwatch community, adds more aerial firepower to this team. The former is one of the most challenging Heroes to play against because she is practically unkillable if Mercy is healing her from behind.

Being one of the deadliest support in Overwatch, Ana’s Biotic Rifle can be used to heal D.Va from long distances. She can also use her Nano Boost to increase the latter's damage coming from her Fusion Cannons and reduce the amount taken from the adversaries.

Reaper can poke the enemies while going into their backline with the help of his Shadow Step. He can also come back to his allies using his Wraith form, making himself invulnerable.

2) D.Va, Symmetra, Sojourn, Kiriko, Zenyatta


This composition is mainly attack-focused and you can use this if you want to dive right into the objective in Hybrid or Control-based map modes. D.Va can use her Defense Matrix and absorb any kind of projectile damage and bullets, and can dive at the capture point with the help of her Boosters.

Symmetra is one of the most lethal Heroes and can melt a Tank within a couple of seconds with her Photon Projector and Sentry Turrets. She can place her Sentry Turrets in places that give 40 damage per second. D.Va and other teammates can use her Teleporter to dive into a particular zone. Sojourn is also a good DPS alongside Symmetra.

While Symmetra can do damage at close range, Sojourn can take care of the players from a distance. Alongside an ally like D.Va, her Power Slide enables her to dive into the weak and fleeing enemies. Being a Tank, no one should worry about their positioning, as Kiriko can use her Swift Step to teleport to a certain position to heal that player and also can use Protection Suzu if things go south.

Kiriko acts as the main healer alongside Zenyatta, who is more of an offensive healer. The team’s ability for combat increases with the help of his Orb of Harmony and Discord.

3) D.Va, Junkrat, Tracer, Kiriko, Lucio


This Composition is mainly attack-based and works well on maps like New Queen Street and Illios. These have quite a few high ground spots, so she can easily take higher grounds to initiate some fights with her mobility, along with her other abilities.

Tracer can poke the enemy’s backline with her Blink. In case of any chaos, she can use her Recall to get back to her team and help them. While Tracer is poking at their backline, Junkrat is the best Hero to annoy them from the front. This Australian anarchist can spam grenades with his Frag launcher and can literally one-shot any enemies under 250 HP.

Junkrat and D.Va can use the popular “Walk the Dog” combination, where D.Va uses her boosters to fly behind Junkrat’s RIP-tire, using her Defense matrix to absorb the damage directed at it.

Lucio is one of the best Support Heroes of Overwatch 2. He uses Crossfade to switch between his heal and speed-boost ability and uses his Amp it up to heal or give a speed boost to his team to rush for a target. Kiriko also helps with her Kitsune Rush to win team fights in a tough situation.

4) D.Va, Torbjörn/Widowmaker, Sombra, Lifeweaver, Ana


This Overwatch 2 composition is mostly defense-based and is quite appropriate on a map like Paraiso, Midtown. Although D.Va is mostly used in attacking scenarios, her defensive ability can turn the tide in her team’s favor in a difficult situation. She can use her Boosters to close down on low-HP rivals and kill them with her Micro-Missiles.

Torbjörn can place his Deploy Turret on high ground, while D.Va can use her Defense Matrix to protect it from incoming bullets or projectiles. Instead of Torbjörn, you can also use Widowmaker. She can place herself on high ground with her Grappling Hook and one-shot enemies by shooting at their heads, while ADSing with a fully charged Widow’s Kiss.

Alongside Torbjörn or Widowmaker, Sombra can play as a secondary DPS who can go invisible with her Stealth ability and can lock out enemies from using their abilities for 1.5 seconds. A perfectly timed Sombra EMP can break down the defenses of a huddled opponent team, allowing for a powerful Self-Destruct.

Lifeweaver is the newest addition to the Overwatch 2 roster. He can use his Life Grip to pull D.Va back in case of chaos. Assisting her, Ana can heal her teammates from a long range.

5) D.Va, Genji, Echo, Moira, Kiriko


Attacking is more of a focal point in this composition. Maps like Colosseo, Rialto, are good for it since you can basically dive at the enemy line and fight. D.Va can quickly jump on the backline and initiates fights.

When it comes to using a dive composition, Genji is one of the best on the roster of Overwatch 2. His Shuriken can give severe damage to enemies with a depleted health pool, also his Swift Strike can finish off the enemies with a little health. Supporting him is Echo, who can literally fly like a bird and do lethal damage with his Tri-Shot and Sticky Bombs.

One of the best Supports in Overwatch 2 for this composition, Moira both can heal and damage with her Biotic Grasp. She can position herself according to the team’s playstyle with her Fade ability. Kiriko can add some spice to the composition by helping the team with her Protection Suzu.

Most importantly, her Kitsune Rush can increase the movement speed of Genji during his ultimate form and also increases the speed and fire rate of D.Va, which comes in handy in certain team fights.

You can use as many team compositions as you want. The one thing you have to remember is that Overwatch 2 is all about counter pickings. You can experiment with your lineups but your main goal should be winning and enjoying the game.

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