How to easily shoot down Reinforcement Helicopters in MW3 Zombies

How to easily destroy Reinforcement Helicopters in MW3 Zombies (Image via Activision and YouTube/ DannieDecent)
How to easily destroy Reinforcement Helicopters in MW3 Zombies (Image via Activision and YouTube/ DannieDecent)

Reinforcement helicopters in Call of Duty: MW3 Zombies act as airborne units, deploying mercenary forces to your location for engagement. These formidable choppers are resilient, and you will require substantial gunfire to take them out. In the zombie-infested map, there are two distinct helicopter variants: Enemy helicopters that engage from the sky and reinforcement helicopters that bring in enemy forces.

These reinforcement helicopters typically do not appear while you are roaming the map. However, when engaging in specific contracts or attacking mercenary strongholds, these helicopters arrive, delivering enemy troops to challenge you.

This article aims to provide essential tips for destroying these helicopters easily in MW3 Zombies.

How to take down Reinforcement Helicopters quickly in MW3 Zombies?

Shooting down a reinforcement helicopter in MW3 Zombies (Image via Activision and YouTube/ DannieDecent)
Shooting down a reinforcement helicopter in MW3 Zombies (Image via Activision and YouTube/ DannieDecent)

Destroying reinforcement helicopters in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies requires a substantial amount of ammunition. While launchers prove beneficial, their usage becomes impractical within the zombie-infested environment, where the simultaneous threat of zombies and mercenaries necessitates optimal weapon selection.

A preferable tactic is to use a light machine gun (LMG) such as the Holger 26, Pulemyot 762, or any other with increased rarity. It is recommended to Pack-a-Punch the chosen weapon to at least level 1 to increase its effectiveness. Gather 5000 essence, locate and access a Pack-a-Punch machine, and upgrade your weapon accordingly.

While squad play makes it easier to destroy these choppers, you can also succeed in solo endeavors with the aforementioned weapon configuration.

When faced with a reinforcement helicopter, keep firing consistently since it is a larger target with no specific weak spots; you can aim and shoot anywhere on it. When it is on the verge of being destroyed, you will notice it emitting black smoke.

How to find a Reinforcement Helicopter in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies?

Encountering a reinforcement helicopter while completing an Aether Extractors contract (image via Activision and YouTube/ Gamers Heroes)
Encountering a reinforcement helicopter while completing an Aether Extractors contract (image via Activision and YouTube/ Gamers Heroes)

To locate a reinforcement helicopter in MW3 Zombies, consider attacking a mercenary stronghold. To unlock the stronghold, you'll require a Stronghold Keycard, obtainable either by raiding mercenary camps or purchasing it from Buy Stations for 2000 essence. Once inside the stronghold, you'll find a safe that requires drilling. As you start drilling, a reinforcement helicopter will appear within a few seconds, so head outside and destroy it.

Alternatively, you can find these helicopters by engaging in an Aether Extractor contract, where you must overload three Aether Extractors. You will fight multiple mercenaries while completing the task, and reinforcement helicopters will approach, deploying additional troops. When the chopper arrives, redirect your attention to it and destroy it.

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