While many Grand Theft Auto fans play GTA Online solo in 2024, there is always a charm in playing with friends or other players. Rockstar Games originally intended gamers to play the title with others. However, due to various reasons, a significant majority of the playerbase has shifted to solo Invite Only lobbies. Still, you can play with others if you have reliable friends in the game.
With that being said, this article lists five reasons why you should try playing GTA Online with other players at least once in 2024.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer’s opinions. The listing is not in any order.
Five reasons why everyone should play GTA Online with other players in 2024
1) To try out unplanned things

While most fans prefer playing GTA Online solo in 2024, you should also play the game with others to do unplanned things. Rockstar Games designed the game as an open-world sandbox where you can do various things that are off the book.
For example, players have tried bringing the Rune Kosatka submarine to the top of Mount Chiliad and the Maze Bank Tower, two of the highest points in the State of San Andreas. Such insane acts can only be pulled when you play with other Grand Theft Auto Online players. Therefore, sometimes it is better to hang out with others in-game to do lunatic things.
2) To complete the heists
Heists are among the best money-making sources in GTA Online, and most of them require two or more players to start. Till December 2020, Rockstar Games released eight heist missions and only The Cayo Perico Heist can be done solo.
Therefore, if you want to complete the original Apartment Heists or the other major heist missions, you must do them with other GTA Online players. Similar to Cayo Perico, the other heists are also thrilling and offer a good amount of money upon completion. Therefore, solo players should not miss out on these missions.
3) To have the true multiplayer experience
GTA Online is a multiplayer game and to have a true multiplayer experience, you must play it with other players. Rockstar Games designs the missions with perfect execution so that a large group of players can also enjoy them at the same time.
Most of the Contact Missions in GTA Online offer the best experience when played with others. The heists, raids, and selling businesses are also better when accompanied by friends. It is worth noting that you can complete business sell missions much faster when you hire associates for your organization. Moreover, having bodyguards can also protect you from griefers in the game.
4) To check out all possible gameplay elements
Rockstar Games put various crazy details in Grand Theft Auto 5 Online and some are so subtle that it is pretty easy to overlook them. One such instance is various missions spawn different elements and scenarios depending on whether you play solo or with others.
For example, if you play the final mission of the Agency VIP Contract solo, it will spawn a different car in contrast to playing with others. Hence, to check out all the possibilities in missions, you should play GTA Online with other players every once in a while.
5) To unlock teamwork achievements

Rockstar Games offers separate Rewards and Achievements for completing various missions and tasks with other players. Therefore, hardcore grinders are advised to complete such missions with others so that they can unlock all achievements offered by Rockstar Games.
If you feel GTA Online is outdated and boring, try playing some missions with two or more players. Not only will you unlock new rewards, but it will also provide a more fun experience.