All Sparkling Power Sandwiches and their recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Make sure to stock up on ingredients for these Pokemon Scarlet and Violet recipes
Make sure to stock up on ingredients for these Pokemon Scarlet and Violet recipes (Image via Game Freak)

Recipes involving Sparkling Power Sandwiches are the most desirable to create in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet due to their ties with boosting the odds for a Shiny Pokemon to appear. For those that don't know, all wild Pocket Monsters have a default Shiny rate of 1/4096. The best odds for finding Shinies with Sparkling Power Lv. 3 and a Shiny Charm is 1/683.08. That's a significant jump that will definitely save players plenty of time.

Sparkling Power levels are as follows:

  • Lv. 1: You get one extra roll when it comes to determining Shinies
  • Lv. 2: You get two extra rolls when it comes to determining Shinies
  • Lv. 3: You get three extra rolls when it comes to determining Shinies

Shiny Hunters will obviously wish to use the Sparkling Power Lv. 3 sandwiches since these are the best for increasing the odds of finding Shinies in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

How to easily make Sparkling Power Sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

This infographic contains all the information you need on making sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via sammingt0n/Reddit)
This infographic contains all the information you need on making sandwiches in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (Image via sammingt0n/Reddit)

A simple breakdown of this infographic is that you select one ingredient from the top half and combine it with two certain Herba Mysticas to create a sandwich recipe that gives you Sparkling Power and some other buffs based on the specific ingredients used.

For example, each type has an ingredient you can use. You can pick a single one from the list:

  • Bug: Cherry Tomato
  • Dark: Smoked Fillet
  • Dragon: Yellow Pepper
  • Fairy: Tomato
  • Fighting: Pickle
  • Fire: Red Pepper
  • Flying: Prosciutto
  • Ghost: Red Onion
  • Grass: Lettuce
  • Ground: Ham
  • Ice: Klawf Stick
  • Normal: Tofu
  • Poison: Green Pepper
  • Psychic: Onion
  • Rock: Bacon
  • Steel: Hamburger
  • Water: Cucumber

In this example, a person who wants to boost Shiny odds for Bug-types would use a single Cherry Tomato and then two Herba Mysticas for some other buffs. Encounter Power, Teensy Power, Egg Power, and Item Drop Power are the only buffs that require an additional ingredient, which is listed in the infographic.

This sandwich simulator proves that the Bug-type combination from the infographic works (Image via
This sandwich simulator proves that the Bug-type combination from the infographic works (Image via

Trainers can test out every recipe combination with a Pokemon Scarlet and Violet sandwich simulator. The above image comes from the one on Cecil Bowen's Github page, which is titled "Pokemon Sandwich Simulator" if you search for it on Google.

The above image is an example from the simulator and shows how 1x Cherry Tomato + 1x Bitter Herba Mystica + 1x Salty Herba Mystica can give you Sparking Power Bug Lv. 3.

Other notes on these sandwiches

It is worth mentioning that Pokemon Scarlet and Violet features several recipes that let players make sandwiches that boost Sparkling Power. The examples from the previous section were just a simple way to do it without wasting too many resources.

There are alternative recipes for sandwiches that players can consider. The YouTube video above showcases some examples, like Bug being 2x Cherry Tomatoes + Butter + 2x Salty Herba Mysticas.

You are advised to save before you create a sandwich that boosts Sparkling Power in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. After all, there is no guarantee that you will get Shinies even after using them, and Herba Mysticas can be difficult to obtain for some players since Tera Raids can be hard for casuals.

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