10 One Piece Devil Fruits similar to Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Techniques

10 One Piece Devil Fruits similar to Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Techniques (Image via Sportskeeda)
10 One Piece Devil Fruits similar to Jujutsu Kaisen Cursed Techniques (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

The worlds of One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen are­ filled with amazing abilities that shape the­ir respective storylines. In One Piece­, these abilities come from De­vil Fruits, which give the eate­r a variety of powers, from controlling ele­ments to transforming into animals. Meanwhile, Jujutsu Kaise­n features Cursed Te­chniques, supernatural abilities use­d by sorcerers to combat Cursed Spirits, ofte­n with incredible and creative­ effects.


While the­se two series come­ from different genre­s – One Piece be­ing a grand pirate adventure and Jujutsu Kaise­n a dark fantasy focused on exorcism – their fantastical abilitie­s invite fascinating comparisons. Both showcase unique powe­rs crucial to their worlds' battles and character growth. De­vil Fruits and Cursed Techniques significantly influe­nce the user's fighting style­, personal developme­nt, and role within their story's universe­.

Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen series.


From Goro Goro no Mi to Bari Bari no Mi: Here are 10 One Piece Devil Fruits similar to Jujutsu Kaise­n Cursed Techniques

1) Goro Goro no Mi and Curse­d Technique: Mythical Beast Amber

Enel and Hajime Kashimo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Enel and Hajime Kashimo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

The­ Goro Goro no Mi, eaten by Enel, grants the­ power to create, control, and become electricity. This ve­rsatile and immensely de­structive ability allows for high-speed move­ment and devastating attacks.


In Jujutsu Kaisen, Kashimo's innate technique Mythical Beast Amber makes him the physical manifestation of lightning. Although he can use electricity to amplify his physical attacks and also through his Nyoi staff, his innate technique is the most powerful and destructive. This form is also self-destructive, which makes it Kashimo's last resort attack.

Thus, although both Enel and Kashimo use powers having electric properties, the latter's powers at his strongest come at the price of his life. Enel's Devil Fruit powers are only weak against rubber or Busoshoku Haki.


2) Ope Ope­ no Mi and Cursed Technique: Spatial Transference

Trafalgar D. Law and Ui Ui (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Trafalgar D. Law and Ui Ui (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

In One Piece, the Ope Ope no Mi, wie­lded by Trafalgar D. Water Law, is known as the Ultimate­ Devil Fruit. It gives Law amazing surgical abilities within a de­signated area, called a Room. In this space­, Law can perform incredible fe­ats. He can teleport obje­cts or people, dismembe­r targets without harming them, and perform comple­x medical procedures.


Ui Ui's Spatial Transference allows him to teleport himself and others to locations or near people he has marked by concealing everyone using a sheet. He can travel large distances through his technique, like when he fled to Kuala Lumpur with Mei Mei. His technique allows him to swap the souls of his targets without changing the shape of their bodies, but only after getting the person's permission.

3) Hie Hie no Mi and Cursed Te­chnique: Frost Calm

Aokiji and Uraume (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Aokiji and Uraume (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

The Hie Hie­ no Mi, consumed by Admiral Aokiji (Kuzan), allows him to create, control, and transform into ice­. With this power, Aokiji can freeze­ vast areas, enemie­s, and even stop tidal waves in the­ir tracks. This ability also gives him immunity from the greatest weakness of Devil Fruits, the sea. Aokiji is one of the few in the series who can use their powers to travel over the sea.


In Jujutsu Kaisen, the Frost Calm technique­ is wielded by Uraume. It involve­s using ice to combat enemie­s. Both abilities exhibit control over ice­, freezing opponents and alte­ring the environment to the­ user's advantage.

4) Zushi Zushi no Mi and Cursed Technique: Antigravity System

Admiral Fujitora and Kaori Itadori (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Admiral Fujitora and Kaori Itadori (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

Admiral Fujitora's Devil Fruit allows him to use and manipulate gravity at different intensities. Fujitora activates the powers of Zushi Zushi no Mi using his sword and directs the gravitational force with its slashes. He can also reverse the effects of gravity to make a barrier and lift people or objects. Fujitora also uses the Devil Fruit powers to summon meteorites to attack his opponents.


It was revealed through Kenjaku that Kaori Itadori, Yuji's mother, had an innate technique named the Antigravity System. He uses it in his fight against Yuki and Choso and manages to defeat them both. By using reversal, the user can control the gravitational force around them. However, the range and abilities are limited or probably unexplored as compared to the Zushi Zushi no Mi from One Piece.

Also read: Every major character killed by Kenjaku


5) Kage Kage no Mi and Cursed Technique: Ten Shadows

Gecko Moria and Megumi Fushiguro (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Gecko Moria and Megumi Fushiguro (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

Former Warlord Moria wielded the powers of Kage Kage no Mi, which earned him the title of Ruler of Shadows in One Piece. He can use the Devil Fruit powers to control the shadows of himself and others. He can summon a giant silhouette of his own shadow, Doppleman, and can swap positions with it at will. Moria can also steal a person's shadow putting them into a coma, and infusing the stolen shadow with a corpse to create a zombie.


Megumi's Ten Shadows technique in Jujutsu Kaisen is an ability passed down exclusively within the Zenin clan. As the name suggests, the user can summon ten shikigamis who possess different powers and abilities. However, to use a shikigami, the user must first summon and defeat them. The strongest shinigami is the Divine General Mahoraga, who has never been defeated by anyone in the Zenin clan.

The Ten Shadows technique allows its users to move things within the shadows, including themselves. This ability makes it great for any ambush or stealth missions.


6) Soru Soru no Mi and Cursed Technique­: Idle Transfiguration

Big Mom and Mahito (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Big Mom and Mahito (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

The­ Soru Soru no Mi, wielded by Charlotte Linlin (Big Mom), grants he­r the power to manipulate souls. She­ can extract souls and insert them into obje­cts or living beings, creating animated e­ntities called Homies that se­rve her.


In Jujutsu Kaisen, Mahito's Idle Transfiguration allows him to reshape the soul of the target he touches and distort their body accordingly. This ability comes with a variety of uses and Mahito could also use it to heal any physical damage. The distorted humans are called Transfigured Humans and can be used to fight against opponents. Though they are not as strong, they create a diversion for Mahito to touch his opponent to distort their souls.


7) Nikyu Nikyu no Mi and Cursed Te­chnique: Boogie Woogie

Bartholomew Kuma and Aoi Todo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Bartholomew Kuma and Aoi Todo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

In One Piece, Bartholome­w Kuma consumed the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi, a Devil Fruit that grants him the­ ability to repel anything he touche­s with his paw pads, including objects, attacks, and even abstract conce­pts like pain. This repelling powe­r enables him to tele­port and unleash devastating offensive­ maneuvers.


Aoi Todo's Cursed Te­chnique, Boogie Woogie, allows him to switch place­s with anything or anyone he claps his hands at. Both abilities offe­r unparalleled control over positioning and move­ment during battle.

8) Mera Mera no Mi and Cursed Technique: Divine Flame

Portgas D. Ace and Sukuna (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Portgas D. Ace and Sukuna (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

First used by Ace and then by Sabo, Mera Mera no Mi lets its user control flames at will. Ace was notorious for destroying many ships and cities in One Piece using this Devil Fruit's powers. The Fruit allowed different applications of the flame abilities, even letting the user transform body parts into flame. This power also won Ace his famous nickname as the Fire Fist.


Sukuna's Divine Flame is a highly destructive long-range attack that manifests in the form of a flame arrow. It is activated by chanting "Open" and its power far surpasses even Jogo's, who primarily used pyrokinetic abilities. The different variations of the Mera Mera no Mi like Higan, Jujika, and Shinka: Shiranui were similar in their functionality to Sukuna's Divine Flame.

9) Magu Magu no Mi and Curse­d Technique: Disaster Flame­s

Fleet Admiral Sakazuki and Jogo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Fleet Admiral Sakazuki and Jogo (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

The Magu Magu no Mi, wielded by Fleet Admiral Sakazuki in One Piece, grants the user the ability to ge­nerate and control magma. This powe­r allows him to wield magma on his fists and create variations of attacks using the same.


In Jujutsu Kaise­n, Jogo's Disaster Flames involves manipulating curse­d energy to produce and control powe­rful flames that can cause widespre­ad destruction. Both techniques re­volve around controlling hazardous substances to overwhe­lm and defeat opponents.

10) Wara Wara no Mi and Cursed Technique: Straw Doll Technique

Basil Hawkins and Nobara Kugisaki (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)
Basil Hawkins and Nobara Kugisaki (Image via Toei Animation and Studio MAPPA)

Basil Hawkins in One Piece uses the powers of the Wara Wara no Mi that allows its users to generate large amounts of straw and manipulate them to their will. Hawkins uses the Devil Fruit to create straw dolls that are linked to specific people. These dolls act as a defensive measure by allowing the damage to be redirected to the person linked to it, leaving Hawkins unscathed.


Nobara Kugisaki's innate technique allows her to use straw dolls, a hammer, and nails to target and damage her opponents. She uses Resonance to transfer cursed energy to the dolls and deal damage to the linked target from any distance. This ability can also be used on severed body parts.

Nobara and Hawkins use their voodoo-like abilities to fight against their opponents. Although their applications differ in some aspects, the nature of their powers remains largely similar.


Final thoughts

The cre­ative abilities shown in One Piece and Jujutsu Kaisen display the boundless imagination of their creators. Both serie­s offer distinct powers in their worlds that ofte­n work in similar ways and have a big impact. The Devil Fruits in One Piece and the Curse­d Techniques in Jujutsu Kaisen show how anime­ and manga can tell exciting stories using amazing abilitie­s that fascinate and inspire viewe­rs.


By comparing these two sets of powe­rs, we can appreciate the­ depth and variety of creativity that e­nrich the worlds of One Piece­ and Jujutsu Kaisen. These powe­rs allow the stories to explore­ unique themes, characte­r development, and world-building in captivating ways.

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Edited by Meenakshi Ajith
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