Top 5 annoying things players should avoid doing in GTA Online

Every player has encountered one of these annoying things (Image via Rockstar Games)
Every player has encountered one of these annoying things (Image via Rockstar Games)

Online games have their fair share of annoying players, and GTA Online seemingly has an infestation of them.

Something like annoying players is entirely subjective. Some players find silent players irritating, as it removes the element of interaction in a multiplayer game like GTA Online. However, the purpose of this article is to focus more on bothersome things some players do in GTA Online that most players will find annoying at one point.

Typically, these disturbing things are elements of GTA Online that a player has no control over. For example, hearing a family arguing through an open mic isn't something a GTA Online player can normally control. They can mute it and move on, but it doesn't make it any less annoying.

Likewise, all of these five things have counterplays, but it doesn't make them any less annoying.

Five vexing things GTA Online players should stop doing

5) Throwing in heists


Having randoms doing heists when they have no experience is annoying but tolerable. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about trolls who will purposefully mess up the heist near the end, just to waste as much time as possible.

It's by no means a widespread occurrence, but it can be grating to see this happen several heists in a row with different players. The difference between doing a heist efficiently and successfully compared to witnessing one ruined by a single troll is like night and day.

Technically speaking, this also applies to other game modes that involve other players. However, heists are the most notorious for how frequent it seems to happen.

4) Leaving the mic on just for background noise


Mics are incredibly useful for communication, but there is no point in leaving it on just so everybody can hear someone's parents arguing, the dog barking, or random sirens going from time to time.

It doesn't take much effort to enable a mic only when a person needs to speak, especially since it can become grating or uncomfortable for others to listen to it.

Even just hearing a person breathe heavily into a mic is annoying. Muting is easy to do in GTA Online, but it's still an unnecessary waste of time for everybody else in the lobby who doesn't want to listen to pointless noise.

For one reason or another, these types of players love doing this with the worst possible mic, as if these random sounds weren't already annoying enough to listen to.

3) Griefing via GTA Online mods or cheating


Many GTA Online players hate modders. Likewise, many GTA Online players hate cheaters. Combine either category with griefers, and it's easy to see why so many players can get tilted in GTA Online.

Not every gamer has access to the latest GTA Online mods, nor would they be aware of specific exploits. Hence, they shouldn't be expected to figure out how to counter modders and cheaters.

That's not to say every modder or cheater is terrible. Sometimes, a user can meet a cool one that makes the game more fun. It's just that these types of griefers can be unbearable, especially when it comes out of nowhere, thus restricting someone's gameplay experience.

Fighting back against these types of griefers is usually a futile attempt, as well.

2) Deathmatch try-harding


Forcing other GTA Online players into random deathmatches gets stale after a while, especially when one side is noticeably outclassed by the other. Even if it's funny when the aggressor gets mopped by the victim, it can get old after a while.

If things go south for these types of players, they'll call their friends. If they win, they'll brag about it (despite being a 1v2, 1v3, etc.). If they lose, they'll complain endlessly.

Competitive deathmatches can be fun. However, there is a time and a place for everything, especially when something like random deathmatches has minimal gain for either party except for pride.

1) Lose badly to another player, only to run to a Facility


If a player is getting stomped, that's normal. In some instances, "get good" is the best advice someone can take. However, running to a Facility after going 0-14 just to use an Orbital Cannon is amusing. Sometimes, it's quite funny. Other times, it's just inconvenient.

Likewise, being blown up by a random Orbital Cannon is just irritating. It's flattering that somebody would be willing to spend half a million just to kill another player, but seeing the Wasted screen while attempting to sell inventory isn't as amusing.

If a user attempts to be a try-hard and grief another, they can at least try to fight normally. Using an Orbital Cannon in GTA Online and then bouncing is incredibly cowardly, especially since the whole ordeal will end up as a massive time-waster for every party involved.

Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.

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