"I have fully supported all peaceful protests in America" - says former HC Jack Del Rio, who didn't want players kneeling during national anthem

Jack Del Rio may be caught in a contradiction
Jack Del Rio may be caught in a contradiction

Washington Commanders defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio claims to support peaceful protests in America, but past comments make that seem disingenuous considering past comments he has made about kneeling during the national anthem.

While players knelt for different reasons -- Colin Kaepernick's anti-police rhetoric gave the gesture a bad look to many -- the idea of kneeling fits under the umbrella of peaceful protest.


Jack Del Rio believes this wasn't something that needed to be done on the organization's time when he was Raiders head coach back in 2017:

"In America, as individuals, we all have freedoms, and that's one of the things that makes our country great. For us, I think it's more about recognizing that you're part of an organization. You're representing our organization, and our organization believes that you should pay respect to the flag. Save those individual decisions to express yourself for an individual forum."

The former HC claimed he would have listened to his players had they gone to him in advance about doing something collectively in lock-step:

"I would've hoped … that it would've been brought up ahead of time, so we could be all involved in one thing or another. As I said earlier, when this whole thing started, I respect everybody's opinion to express themselves. That's what we have as Americans. We have that right. I would just like to see us, as a team, do things together and united."

Things got dicey with Jack Del Rio's comments after he downplayed the January 6, 2021 Washington D.C. riot. That was far from peaceful. He had to apologize for calling the violence that took place on that day a "dust-up":

“Referencing that situation as a dustup was irresponsible and negligent, and I am sorry. I stand by my comments condemning violence in communities across the country. I say that while also expressing my support as an American citizen for peaceful protest in our country. I have fully supported all peaceful protests in America. I love, respect, and support all my fellow coaches, players, and staff that I work with and respect their views and opinions.”

Jack Del Rio's comments show the prevelance of politics in sports

Need an escape from the political strife that encompasses your everyday life all over social media and, perhaps, even in person depending on where you live? Well, don't turn to the NFL for that.

No matter what side an athlete, coach, front office executive, or franchise owner falls on the aisle, it is now your obligation, as a sports fan, to know what that is.

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Edited by Windy Goodloe