Why do NFL players wear black under their eyes?

Denver Broncos v Jacksonville Jaguars
Denver Broncos v Jacksonville Jaguars

NFL players are often seen wearing black under their eyes. There are instances when it's a real glob of grease and other times when it's just a sticker. Whichever players opt for, these are supposed to assist in cutting down on glare and allow athletes to pick up the ball more easily. But does it really help?

A grease or strip called "eye black" is placed under the eyes to lessen glare effects. However, tests have not clearly demonstrated its efficacy. Players in sports like American football/NFL, baseball, softball, and lacrosse frequently use it to lessen the impact of glaring stadium floodlights or sunshine.

Eye black does improve the capacity to distinguish between light and dark, but it does not appear to minimize glare.

Appearance is another factor in why NFL footballers and other sportsmen wear eye-black stickers. Some athletes enjoy applying antiglare stickers to their faces to simulate battle paint. Other players aim to advertise biblical quotes, memorials, brands, and more using paint/stickers. Whatever the motivation, many players apply grease as a part of their competitive image.

Bright lighting can impair an athlete's ability to see well and discern fine details. Additionally, they reduce the eye's sensitivity to contrast, which is necessary for players to perceive a moving object more clearly.

What is Eye Black Made Of?

Athletes, both amateur and professional, have created eye black from a variety of materials over the years. Shoe polish and burned cork are a couple of ingredients used for the mixture. The majority of the grease version of the product on the market today is manufactured from beeswax, paraffin, and charcoal powder. The finished fabric used to create the antiglare stickers and strips has a matte surface.

Babe Ruth was the first professional sportsman to be seen wearing eye black, which happened in the 1930s. Ruth started using black grease to block out the sun's glare during games. A few years later, Andy Farkas, a Washington Redskins football player, started using it while playing as well. More and more players would apply dark grease during games as the years passed.

Where Do NFL/Football Players Apply Eye Black?

Players can apply the grease/stickers 1-2 inches outside the nose and 1-2 inches below the eye. It's crucial for players to avoid getting oil in their eyes because it could irritate and distort their vision.

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