Some Pokemon GO players have reportedly found a "trick" to encounter the ever-elusive Galarian forms of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres. Reportedly, you can locate these variants in the same spots while using your Daily Adventure Incense in Niantic's mobile game.
If this is true, it would prove contrary to the general belief that Galarian Birds in Pokemon GO can spawn anywhere. At the same time, if players can exploit this "trick" to find the creatures, it would drastically reduce their rarity.
This article explains how you can try using this "trick" to find a Galarian Bird in Pokemon GO.
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Galarian Birds in Pokemon GO allegedly have designated spawn points, according to reports
u/OldRespond780 shared on TheSilphRoad subreddit that they had encountered G-Birds in the same spot on three separate days. They wonder if this means that the critters had some connection with the area they were found in.
User u/Low-Advance-1947 stated that they also tended to encounter the creatures in the same locations. The player added that they cover a short area time and again, so the observations might not be too reliable.
YouTuber AlexNexton also published a video on September 24, 2024, saying they had figured out the "trick" to encountering Galarian Birds. In the eight-minute-long clip, they showcased how a Galarian Articuno and a Galarian Zapdos had spawned in the same location on two different occasions.
AlexNexton also pointed out that the same had happened on other days as well as in other areas. u/noobwowo, who had mentioned the YouTuber, described their findings regarding the Daily Adventure Incense:

It was also discussed how these fixed points don't necessarily need to spawn G-Birds. Crossing them with your Daily Adventure Incense may also lead to rare or evolved Pocket Monsters.
While the observations appear to be pointing towards a pattern, nothing can be said for certain without a nod from Niantic. Therefore, take the "trick" with a pinch of salt.
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"Trick" to finding Galarian Birds in Pokemon GO
The first step to finding a Galarian Bird in-game is to try and encounter one on your Daily Adventure Incense journeys. If you have a local community of players, ask others where they have found one of the elusive creatures.
If they suggest a spot, try visiting it when the Incense is active. If the "trick" actually works, you should encounter eventually one of the Galarian Birds or, at least, some evolved or rare creature.
AlexNexton also suggested starting your adventure at the 57th minute of the hour. While there is no substantive proof that indicates you're guaranteed to encounter the rare entities this way, it appears to have worked for them. Since bumping into a G-Bird in Pokemon GO is, by and large, a matter of luck, trying different things cannot do any harm.
Note that unless the Galarian Bird you meet is shiny, it will still have an extremely low capture rate and a high flee rate. If you do meet the differently-colored variant, it will retain its low capture rate, but it can't flee.
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