Pokemon GO Team GO Rocket Grunts December 2024 teams can be a nuisance to deal with. The October Taken Over update refreshed their teams to some extent, with new Shadow Pocket Monsters, such as Shadow Caterpie, Shadow Mankey, Shadow Roggenrola, Shadow Venipede, Shadow Karrablast, and Shadow Shelmet, making their debut.
So, how can trainers counter and beat them? Overall, there are 22 Team GO Rocket Grunts that can be battled, with 21 appearing throughout claimed Pokestops and Team GO Rocket balloons, and one reserved for battling in Giovanni's stead as a decoy to distract pursuers.
With 22 distinct teams to battle, Team GO Rocket Grunts are incredibly diverse. The good news is that they offer cues on what team they'll be using.
Note: The Pokemon names in italics are potential encounters once you beat the particular Grunt. The ones that are followed by an * can be encountered in their shiny form.
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Team lineups and weaknesses of all Pokemon GO Rocket Grunts December 2024

Normal-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Normal does not mean weak.”
Weaknesses: Fighting-type Pokemon
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Fire-type Female Grunt
Quote: “Do you know how hot Pokémon fire breath can get?”
Weaknesses: Water- Rock-, and Ground-type Pokemon
Water-type Female Grunt
Quote: “These waters are treacherous!”
Weaknesses: Grass- and Electric-type Pokemon
Water-type Male Grunt
Quote: “These waters are treacherous!”
Weaknesses: Grass- and Electric-type Pokemon
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Electric-type Female Grunt
Quote: “Get ready to be shocked!”
Weaknesses: Ground-type Pokemon
Grass-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Don't tangle with us!”
Weaknesses: Fire-, Ice-, Flying-, Poison-, and Bug-type Pokemon
Ice-type Female Grunt
Quote: “You're gonna be frozen in your tracks.”
Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Steel, and Rock-type Pokemon
Fighting-type Female Grunt
Quote: “This buff physique isn't just for show!”
Weaknesses: Fairy-, Psychic-, and Flying-type Pokemon
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Poison-type Female Grunt
Quote: “Coiled and ready to strike!”
Weaknesses: Ground- and Psychic-type Pokemon
Ground-type Male Grunt
Quote: “You'll be defeated into the ground!”
Weaknesses: Water-, Ice-, and Grass-type Pokemon
Flying-type Female Grunt
Quote: “You'll be defeated into the ground!”
Weaknesses: Ice-, Rock-, Electric-type Pokemon
Psychic-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Are you scared of psychics that use unseen power?”
Weaknesses: Ghost-, Bug-, and Dark-type Pokemon
Bug-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Go, my super bug Pokémon!”
Weaknesses: Fire-, Rock-, and Flying-type Pokemon
Also read: Should you purify Shadow Heatran in Pokemon GO?
Rock-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Let's rock and roll!”
Weaknesses: Water-, Ground-, Steel-, and Fighting-type Pokemon
Ghost-type Male Grunt
Quote: “Ke...ke...ke...ke...ke...ke!”
Weaknesses: Ghost- and Dark-type Pokemon
Also Check:- Pokemon Type Calculator
Dragon-type Male Grunt
Quote: “ROAR! ...How'd that sound?”
Weaknesses: Ice-, Dragon-, and Fairy-type Pokemon
Dark-type Female Grunt
Quote: “Wherever there is light, there is also shadow.”
Weaknesses: Fairy-, Bug-, and Fighting-type Pokemon
Fairy-type Female Grunt
Quote: “Check out my cute Pokémon!”
Weaknesses: Steel- and Poison-type Pokemon
Steel-type Female Grunt
Quote: “You're no match for my iron will!”
Weaknesses: Fighting-, Fire-, and Ground-type Pokemon
Male Grunt with Johto starters
Quote: “Winning is for winners.”
- Fire-, Ice-, Flying-, Poison-, and Bug-type Pokemon if he starts with Chikorita
- Grass- and Electric-type Pokemon if he starts with Totodile
- Water- Rock-, and Ground-type Pokemon if he starts with Cyndaquil
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Female Grunt with all fully evolved Pokemon
Quote: “Winning is for winners.”
Weaknesses: Fighting-, Electric- and Ghost-type Pokemon
Decoy Female Grunt
Quote: “Fooled ya, twerp.”
Weaknesses: Grass and Normal-type counters
Best counters against Pokemon GO Rocket Grunts in December 2024
Taking down Team GO Rocket Grunts is not much of a challenge. They use relatively weak Pocket Monsters, and have no real strategy. Simply going in with strong counters will do the trick. Here are the Pokemon GO search strings you can use to find the best available counter of each type available to you:
- Fire&@Fire
- Water&@Water
- Grass&@Grass
- Ground&@Ground
- Rock&@Rock
- Steel&@Steel
- Dragon&@Dragon
- Fairy&@Fairy
- Poison&@Poison
- Psychic&@Psychic
- Ghost&@Ghost
- Dark&@Dark
- Flying&@Flying
- Fighting&@Fighting
- Electric&@Electric
- Bug&@Bug
- Ice&@Ice
- Normal&@Normal
These commands will return Pocket Monsters of that type that know at least one STAB move. Sort these by CP and use the three best counters available based on the weaknesses mentioned in the previous section.
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Tips for beating Team GO Rocket Grunts December 2024 in Pokemon GO

Since Team GO Rocket battles in Pokemon GO are considered PvE battles, a few tricks can be employed to make fights easier. As an example, there's a short delay after hitting a Rocket Grunt's Pokemon with a Charged Move before it's able to attack again. If you time your Charged Moves wisely, you can rack up a ton of damage while essentially stunning a Rocket momentarily.
It's also important to note that since Grunt battles are PvE fights, Pokemon GO trainers can exit them at any time. If players' current lineups aren't getting the job done, they can depart the fight and re-enter it with a better team comp. Meanwhile, the Grunt should remain where they are.
Also check out: Pokemon GO CP Calculator
All in all, Team GO Rocket battles against Grunts in Pokemon GO aren't too difficult. With the right counters, their Shadow Pokemon should be fairly easy to stop in most cases, especially since they receive a debuff to their Defense stat since they're in Shadow form.
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