Best Valorant team composition for Sunset (May 2024)

Best team composition in Valorant
Best team composition in Valorant's Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

The best Valorant team composition for Sunset requires taking advantage of the tight angles that this map has to offer. Sunset throws a unique curveball at players with its sprawling corridors, multi-layered elevations, and tight corners. Victory on this map hinges on both strategic smokes and pinpoint intel gathering. Traditional duelist picks might struggle in the maze-like environment, while agents excelling at intel denial and area control can truly shine.

In this guide, we delve into the hottest team composition that will have you dominating both attack and defense on Sunset. We'll explore Agents that prioritize map control through heavy smokes and intel-gathering, highlight aggressive entry options for breaking through choke points, and discuss the role of supportive agents in keeping your team healthy and informed.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the author's opinions.

Best agents on Sunset in Valorant

1) Cypher

Cypher in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)
Cypher in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

Cypher thrives on Sunset thanks to his unmatched intel-gathering capabilities. Unlike other Sentinels whose utility is limited by range, Spycam and Cyber Cages can be deployed from anywhere on the map. This allows him to lockdown crucial areas like Mid Link or Art from a safe distance, revealing enemy positions and rotations to his team.

Additionally, Sunset's layout with tight corners allows for Trapwires that are difficult to break as well as have sneaky one-way cages, making surprise angles a constant threat. Cypher excels in these situations, alerting defenders to any enemy presence and potentially giving them valuable time to react and secure a kill.

2) KAY/O

KAY/O in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)
KAY/O in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

KAY/O's toolkit is potent on Sunset. First, FLASH/drive excels in this map's tight corners and long sightlines. Unlike some open maps, flashes on Sunset are less about blinding enemies across vast distances and more about creating opportunities for quick peeks and coordinated pushes.

This Agent's ability bounce to bounce his flash off walls makes him perfect for setting up his teammates for entry frags or flushing out defenders hiding in cubbies. Secondly, his suppression abilities with ZERO/point and his ultimate are game-changers on a map like Sunset. Since the map thrives on strategic use of abilities, shutting down enemy skills like Cypher's traps or Killjoy's turrets during a crucial push can give your team a massive advantage.

His ultimate, NULL/cmd, can render a well-fortified site completely useless on defense, forcing enemies to rely solely on gunplay and giving your team the upper hand in a straight shootout. This makes him a nightmare for defenders who rely heavily on their abilities to hold down key positions.

3) Omen

Omen in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)
Omen in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

Omen flourishes on Sunset's unique layout in Valorant. Unlike some maps with open areas, Sunset's narrow corridors and tight corners make his smokes incredibly effective, which can completely block off key sightlines and chokepoints, giving your team the upper hand in controlling the flow of battle on either attack or defense.

Omen's other strengths are tailor-made for Sunset's strategic gameplay. A well-timed Paranoia can flush out enemies hiding in corners or push them out of advantageous positions. Additionally, Shrouded Step, his teleport ability, allows Omen to take unexpected flanks or quickly reposition himself to support teammates in need.

4) Raze

Raze in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)
Raze in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

In Valorant, Raze shines in Sunset's close-quartered corridors. Her explosive kit allows her to clear out enemies lurking in unexpected angles and dominate these confined spaces. Paint Shells grenade excels at flushing out defenders from hiding spots, while Boom Bot can scout ahead and deal chip damage, forcing enemies out of position.

Furthermore, Raze's high mobility with Blast Pack lets her bypass choke points and reach unconventional vantage points. This unpredictability disrupts enemy defenses and creates openings for her team to push onto sites. In a map where traditional entry duelists might struggle with smokes and tight angles, Raze's explosive approach and agility make her a perfect fit for the Sunset meta.

5) Harbor

Harbor in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)
Harbor in Sunset (Image via Riot Games)

Harbor excels on Sunset thanks to his unique ability to manipulate the field with water. This Valorant Agent's signature ability, Cove, conjures a safe haven for attackers planting the Spike. On open sites like A and C, this is invaluable, shielding the planter from a multitude of angles and allowing the team to focus on post-plant defense.

However, Harbor's Cascade is a masterclass in area denial for Valorant's Sunset. It can completely block off areas on defense, forcing attackers to take riskier flanks or coordinate a multi-pronged assault.

On offense, Cascade can split the site defenders, creating opportunities for coordinated pushes and site takeovers. This versatility, coupled with his rechargeable High Tide wall for both entry and site isolation, makes Harbor a dominant pick in double Controller meta on Sunset.

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