Bleach TYBW has been airing since October 2022 and ended its first cour in December with Yhwach making his debut. The second cour, which will see the invasion of Soul Society, is set to premiere in July 2023. However, this has led many to an important question: just how strong are Yhwach's Quincy Sternritter compared to Soul Society's Royal Guard?
As many manga readers would know, they are already powerful enough to defeat several of Bleach's captains in Soul Society. But before the second cour arrives and to feed the curiosity of anime-only fans, here's a list that ranks every single Sternritter from their weakest member to their strongest. However, the list will not mention Yhwach since he is their leader and is thus considered the strongest by default.
Disclaimer: This article will contain major spoilers from the Bleach manga. The opinions are likewise exclusive to the author.
The Sternritter from Bleach TYBW, ranked by power
28) Q - Berenice Gabrielli

Sometimes power is only good depending on the sound of one's voice, and sometimes an individual's power can get drowned out before they can demonstrate it. This happened to Berenice Gabrielli, who barely had a chance to speak in the initial invasion in Bleach TYBW before Kenpachi tore their throat out. This nets them the bottom of the list.
27) "Σ/V" Shaz Domino

Blustering is not something one would want their henchmen to do when enacting their master plan, but Shaz Domino did it in front of people trying to revive Ichigo. When Ichigo was revived, Shaz got one shot killed. The short story sequel to Bleach TYBW, Beginning of the Revive of Tomorrow, expands on Shaz, showing he has an impressive healing factor even though it was used against him.
26) "R" Jerome Guizbatt

Speaking of people that never got a chance to shine, Bleach TYBW also features Jerome Guizbatt, who is supposedly a monster of a man with a loud and impressive roar. It's so loud it drowned out Berenice and caused his death against Kenpachi. The latter also dispatched Jerome as well since his voice only temporarily deafened the Shinigami.
25) "Y" Loyd Lloyd

The younger brother of Royd Lloyd, also sharing the same letter designation, is likewise one of the first engaged and dispatched. He mimicked people and used it to disguise himself as Kenpachi. Kenpachi dispatched Loyd and brought his, Jerome's, and Berenice's corpses to Yhwach to gloat.
24) "W" Nianzol Weizol

Someone who actually does get to demonstrate his abilities in Bleach TYBW is Nianzol Weizol, aka "The Wind". He's called that because of his special ability, which allows him to redirect attacks away from his target. It can also bifurcate opponents. The trouble is, he wasn't able to counter fast enough attacks like Senjumaru Shutara's and got impaled full of spikes.
23) "K" BG9

To give a breakdown on Bleach TYBW's BG9 and why he came down here? He's effectively a cybernetic human who has the brain of a supercomputer. He counter's Sui-Feng's Shunko, loses his 10-barreled minigun to her likewise. While it did steal Sui-Feng's Bankai, he had it stolen again and was majorly damaged by Sui-Feng before being executed by Yhwach and Haschwalth.
22) "I" Cang Du

Onto more interesting foes, Cang Du does get a bit of a chance to shine after somehow managing to ambush Matsumoto before fighting Hutsugaya. The problem is that he wasted too much time waxing poetic and got beaten by Hitsugaya after hardly using his trademark iron skin. He gets killed by Haschwaith for his failure, though he tries to fight back.
21) "T" Candice Catnipp

The first female Quincy to enter the fray in Bleach TYBW had lightning powers, was an absolute hothead, and got defeated hard. Despite having an impressive amount of electric powers, she's thrown around by Ichigo, lost an arm, and was effortlessly taken out by Byakuya off-screen. The only thing she has credit for is beating Kenpachi, but he was already weakened by then.
20) "L" Pepe Waccabrada

Pepe's ability, "the Love," allowed him to control people like lovestruck puppets and acted more as the Steritters spy in Bleach TYBW. He did take control of Hisagi and his own teammate Meninas. He also took control of Byakuya's Zanpakuto but was interrupted before he could finish the job and subsequently eaten by Liltotto for attacking his own teammates.
19) "U" NaNaNa Najahkoop

Controversial though placing the man who not only survived Yamamoto's flames, with Bazz-B's help but also incapacitated Aizen this low may be, it's for a reason. Despite that particular feat, he's defeated by Byakuya and then gutted by his own teammate Bazz-B. This is after trying to have a revenge fight against Shunsui Kyoraku.
18) "O" Driscoll Berci

Among one of the most unpleasant and bloodthirsty of the Sternritters in Bleach TYBW, Driscoll has quite a rap sheet considering his initial appearance has him kill over 200 Soul Reapers. He likewise killed Sasakibe at long range and downed Hisagi. In his arrogance, he assumed he could take on Captain-Commander Yamamoto. However, he was wrong and burned to ashes for it.
17) "N" Robert Accutrone

The smart and no-nonsense of the Sternritters in Bleach TYBW, Robert's main strength was his speed. He was able to catch Shunsui Kyoraku off guard, destroying one of his eyes, and shrugging off a lot of pain from a slash from Shunsui. He survived until the final duel, where he was defeated by Byakuya afterward and then slain by Yhwach's Auswählen.
16) "J" Quilge Opie

The first really big and tough fight for Ichigo came in the form of the subjugator of the Arrancar, Quilge Opie. Bleach TYBW didn't mess around showing how he was able to easily destroy or otherwise stop more than a few people like Loly Aivirrne and Menoly Malllia and stall Ichigo from reaching Soul Society after absorbing Ayon. It didn't prevent him from being split in half by Grimmjow.
15) "P" Meninas McAllon

Meninas was the second of the female Sternritters and was arguably one of the most physically strong of their number. Others like Robert Accutrone praised her super strength, as one would expect from someone able to lift entire buildings up with a hand and nearly killed Rukia in her debut. She also knocked out Kenpachi with one punch and got a clean hit on Ichigo, and somehow came back as a zombie thanks to Giselle.
14) "G" Liltotto Lamperd

What can one say about the Glutton of the Sternritters that consumed "L" and defeated the brainwashed Meninas in pitched combat? Since she consumed "L," she gained his powers and used them to great effect trying to rescue her compatriots after the events of Bleach TYBW. She was tossed aside by Yhwach, when she and others attempted to betrayed him.
13) "E" Bambietta Basterbine

The E in Bambietta's name stands for explosive. She's the most explosive and considered the leader of the female Sternritters. She had the most power of them all, barring Giselle, and did actually pressure and stall quite a few people, including Hinamori, Konamuera, and others. Even after zombification, she was powerful enough to pressure a Shinigami.
12) "Z" Giselle Gewelle

The most powerful of the female Sternritters in Bleach TYBW happens to be the most unassuming with Giselle Gewelle. Her abilities allows her to zombify anyone who gets her blood splashed on them and follow her commands. Although it depends on the spirit powers, Giselle also heals herself with the ability since she can replace limbs by removing body parts from corpses. As it happens, she does this to terrifying degrees.
11) "H" Bazzard "Bazz-B" Black

A fiery temper, a hotheaded atittude, and fire powers were Bazz's wheelhouse. He was able to take out four of the top Seats of the Third division in less than a minute. He likewise got the drop on Hitsugaya, though he was interuppted. Bazz was so bull headed he even tried to fight Haschwalth and gave him a good fight before getting killed.
10) "S" Mask de Masculine

Don't be fooled by the luchador mask and hotheaded wrestling attitude of this Strenritter. Mask de Masculine defeated Renji, Ikkaku, Yumichika, Hisagi, and Rose. He blocked Kensei's Bankai with one hand and defeated Rose with a single attack. He had to be destroyed alongside his manager James to be defeated, which wasn't easy for Renji to do.
09) "F" Äs Nödt

There's a lot to be said about drowning someone in their own fears, like Scarecrow from the Batman franchise. Äs Nödt's powers were all based off fear, he was able to keep people in a nightmare state just by looking into his eyes. Moreover, he was able to incapacitate Byakuya and even Mask De Masculine. He was finally killed by Rukia, but not until after an intense fight.
08) "Y" Royd Lloyd

The other Lloyd twin got on here because of the mimic abilities. With this ability, Royd was able to defeat even someone as powerful as Kenpachi with his bare hands after Kenpachi removed his eyepatch. This was due to him mimicking Yhwach's abilities, allowing him to stand against Yamamoto's Bankai. However, Yhwach slew him when his role ended.
7) "V" Gremmy Thoumeaux

The true form of Guenael Lee and literally one of the most powerful Quincies in Bleach TYBW, Gremmy's powers are unreal since he could alter reality to make anything he imagined. He could also create living beings with it. It took everything Kenpachi had to defeat him, as even other Strenritter were disturbed by his power as the "brains" of the Soul King.
6) "C" Pernida Parnkgjas

The literal "left arm" of the Soul King is an odd duck of a being. It's true form is literally a hand with eyes that shouldn't be on a palm. As far as its strength goes? Well, it's powers involved controlling people via nerve endings and gaining information through nerves, an insane healing factor, and mimicry. Even Mayuri needed aid taking this one out.
5) "D" Askin Nakk Le Vaar

Aksin Na Le Vaar was calm, lazy, and sarcastic. He also had the ability to become progressively invincible by ingesting and altering a lethal dose of anything he filled himself with such as blood and spiritual energy. He was instantly able to defeat Ichigo, Yushiro, Yoruichi, and Grimmjow and would've killed Urahara if not for Grimmjow's Resurrection and Nelliel's aid.
4) Uryu Ishida

Yes, a surprise Quincy is major character in the series and one of Ichigo's friends Uryu Ishida. He was considered Yhwach's successor and is likewise very powerful from when he started off the series in. His special ability is The Antithesis, where he can swap what happened between two designated targets. To give an example, this is like swapping his wounds with the enemy while simultaneously taking on the opponent's energy. He does this to Haschwalth to great effect.
3) "X" Lille Barro

Onto the main three most powerful of Bleach TYBW's Sternritter was the literal first Sternritter to gain a Schrift, Lille Barro. His whole thing was that he can go intangiable and his attacks were unblockable. He even managed to survive quite a lot, including Yhwach's Auswählen and the destruction of the Seriertei. Although he wasn't killed, he ascended to the point where he had to be cut down by a god killing weapon.
2) "M" Gerard Valkryie

Behold, the glorious "Heart" of the Soul King! This Thor lookalike is the Sternritter's Kenpachi. His speciality, "The miracle," basically made him unbeatable since the more damage he accumulated, the more powerful he got. Gerald was finally defeated by Yhwach stripping him of his powers in the climax of Bleach TYBW.
1) "B" Jugram Haschwalth

Thus we come to Yhwach's second-in-command and Grand Master of the Sternritter Jugram Haschwalth. He killed his fellow Sternritter for failing him and had his own nasty ability: reversal of fortune. Any damage or harm he'd otherwise take was redirected like he has a literal mirror as his power. Even as Ishida and him fought, their duel was interrupted by Yhwach's Auswählen, which finally saw Haschwalth die.
These are the Sternritter, Yhawach's personal guard and minions, from Bleach TYBW and ranked from weakest to strongest. Regardless of these rankings, it should be noted that Soul Society was forever changed because of the events of Bleach TYBW. Shinigami died, the Seriertei was destroyed, and nothing was ever the same since then.
Of the surviving Quincy, only a handful like Giselle and Lillotto actually managed to live something of a happy life afterward. If these rankings for Bleach TYBW's Sternritter are disagreeable, then readers are free to say why in the comments.