5 best changes in Minecraft 1.20.80 update

Minecraft's 1.20.80 update is making wolves truly amazing in combat (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft 1.20.80, also known as Armored Paws, is a minor update to 1.20 and presumably the last release until 1.21 comes out. Armored Paws, while referred to as a minor update, actually brings with it a surprising amount of content, both in terms of scale and depth. The biggest additions are undoubtedly wolf armor and armadillos, but there are plenty of other features to be found.

Detailed below are five of the best changes from Bedrock 1.20.80, which should keep players more than busy until the next major Minecraft update drops in a few weeks.

5 amazing changes from Minecraft. 1.20.80

1) Wolves are better at combat

Wolves will take much less food to keep healthy due to 1.20.80 (Image via Mojang)
Wolves will take much less food to keep healthy due to 1.20.80 (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft 1.20.80's biggest claim to fame is how it's buffed wolves and finally made them viable combat counterparts. This has been their original intent since their introduction in Beta 1.4, but due to how quickly they could take lethal damage, most players used them more as adorable survival base decorations.

The biggest thing that 1.20.80 is adding to fix this is wolf armor, craftable using armadillo scutes (more on them later). Wolf armor, despite being called armor, actually functions similarly to a shield, converting heart damage directly into durability damage. It is also dyeable, giving players another way to customize their pets.

This isn't 1.20.80's only change to wolves, though. Their health has been doubled from 10 to 20 hearts, though they have lost their resistance to environmental damage. Their increased health effectively makes them just as survivable against fires or lava but better against entity damage. Healing is also twice as effective on wolves as it used to be.

2) Armadillo

Armadillos in a small pen (Image via Mojang)
Armadillos in a small pen (Image via Mojang)

Minecraft's upcoming armadillo is inarguably one of 1.20.80's best additions. These adorable mobs will be found within savannas and their variants, as well as in smaller groups within Minecraft's badlands biomes. They can be bred with spider eyes.

What makes armadillos very unique, however, is their ability to roll up into a ball when scared. They will hide in their shells whenever they are hurt, confronted by an undead mob, or near a sprinting or mounted player.

While rolled up, armadillos cannot move, eat, or be tempted by food. They are able to massively reduce damage while in this state.

3) Wolf variants

A group of different wolves (Image via Mojang)
A group of different wolves (Image via Mojang)

By far one of the most shown off features of the Armored Paws update are the new wolf variations. Each of these wolf types can be found in a different biome, split almost evenly between the hot and cold climates that decorate the extreme regions of any beautiful Minecraft seed.

These different wolf types will give players a ton of new ways to enhance their survival base's look. This is especially true when combined with the fact that both wolf colors and armor can be dyed using any of the game's numerous dyes.

4) Bug fixes

Trail ruins should generate more consistently now (Image via Mojang)
Trail ruins should generate more consistently now (Image via Mojang)

There have been a lot of bugs fixed over the course of 1.20.80, even including this release version. The biggest in this update are fixes for bugs that would cause players to drown while at the water's surface, Minecraft archeology's trail ruins improperly generating, and buckets not being able to pick up liquid.

While the total number of bugs fixed within this release is not as major as others, there are still 18 of them.

5) Armadillo scutes

The only purpose for armadillo scutes right now is crafting and maintaining wolf armor (Image via Mojang)
The only purpose for armadillo scutes right now is crafting and maintaining wolf armor (Image via Mojang)

Armadillo scutes are the exclusive drop of armadillos and are actually surprisingly useful. They are needed to make the shield-like wolf armor that Armored Paws is introducing. However, what makes them truly amazing is how they might be used in the future.

There are other tameable pet companions in the game, including Minecraft's cats, parrots, and axolotls, all of which would benefit from some extra protection. This is especially true for axolotls and parrots. The former is meant to accompany players underwater to fight, while the latter sits on a player's shoulder and acts as a proximity alarm.

These mobs will drop an armadillo scute naturally every five to 10 minutes, at a similar rate to how chickens drop eggs. They can be brushed with brushes to get these scutes. Brushes can also be put in dispensers to automate getting scutes.

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