Destiny 2 free emblem codes are a great resource for those looking to customize their profile presentation. Emblems act as banners or name cards while showcasing a player's skill based on the source. Some emblems are tied to the game's most high-tier activities, while others can be obtained by donating to charities outside of the game.
This article, however, lists all emblems that can be redeemed through codes for free. Note that the codes mentioned here are available so far until April 2024. Any additional emblem codes will be added at the end of the list below.
Free Destiny 2 emblem codes in April 2024 and how to redeem them
Here is a list of all emblem codes in Destiny 2 as of April 2024:
- Folding Space: 3J9-AMM-7MG. The Final Shape Collector's Edition package.
- Archived: PTD-GKG-CVN. The Final Shape Collector's Edition package.
- Gone Home: 3CV-D6K-RD4. The Final Shape Collector's Edition package.
- Myopia: FMM-44A-RKP. The Final Shape Collector's Edition package.
- Out the Airlock: L3P-XXR-GJ4. Partnership with EA and BioWare.
- A Classy Order: YRC-C3D-YNC. Shared in a TWAB.
- Adventurous Spirit: 9FY-KDD-PRT. Community award after 7,777,777 total Sword kills.
- Airlock Invitation: HN3-7K9-93G. Code in collaboration with Fall Guys.
- Be True: ML3-FD4-ND9. Trans Awareness from Bungie.
- Bulbul Tarang: A67-C7X-3GN. Promotional code
- Countdown to Convergence: PHV-6LF-9CP. The Witch Queen Collector's Edition
- Crushed Gamma: D97-YCX-7JK. In celebration of r/Destiny, r/DTG.
- Cryonautics: RA9-XPH-6KJ. Beyond Light Collector's Edition.
- Future In Shadow: 7LV-GTK-T7J. Beyond Light Collector's Edition.
- Galilean Excursion: JYN-JAA-Y7D. Beyond Light Collector's Edition.
- Harmonic Commencement: VXN-V3T-MRP. Promotional code.
- Heliotrope Warren: L7T-CVV-3RD. The 30th Anniversary's promo images.
- In Urbe Inventa: XVK-RLA-RAM. Promotional code.
- In Vino Mendacium: J6P-9YH-LLP. Promotional code.
- Jade's Burrow: TNN-DKM-6LG. Promotional code for the 2023 Lunar New Year.
- Liminal Nadir: VA7-L7H-PNC. The Witch Queen Collector's Edition.
- Limitless Horizon: XMY-G9M-6XH. Lightfall's Collector's Edition.
- M:\>START: JND-HLR-L69. Marathon ARG reveal
- Neon Mirage: YAA-37T-FCN. Promotional code
- Risen: THR-33A-YKC. Promotional code, created in partnership with BiliBili
- Schrödinger's Gun: 9LX-7YC-6TX. The Telesto glitch.
- Sequence Flourish: 7D4-PKR-MD7. Season of the Splicer community puzzle.
- Seraphim's Gauntlets: XVX-DKJ-CVM. In memory of Seraphim Crypto, a long-time community member.
- Shadow’s Light: F99-KPX-NCF. The Witch Queen Collector's Edition
- Sneer of the Oni: 6LJ-GH7-TPA. The Witch Queen Collector's Edition
- Stag's Spirit: T67-JXY-PH6. Nightmare Containment Community Challenge
- Tangled Web: PKH-JL6-L4R. TWAB post on 2/10/2022.
- The Visionary: XFV-KHP-N97. Curse of Osiris promo.
- Visio Spei: 993-H3H-M6K. Promotional code.
- соняшник: JVG-VNT-GGG. Ukraine supporting emblem.
How to redeem Destiny 2 emblem codes?
To redeem emblem codes in Destiny 2, head to the code redemption page on Bungie's official website. Log in using the credentials of your preferred platform, followed by pasting the codes under the "Enter your code" section. Click on redeem and wait for the confirmation.

To find your emblem in Destiny 2, head to Collections, followed by Flair, and then "Emblems." Look at the last page of the General tab for any emblem acquired via redemption codes.
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