What is Patrick Mahomes' training regime? Netflix's 'Quarterback' reveals full workouts of Chiefs QB

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Netflix's 'Quarterback' reveals full workouts of Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes

Netflix's 'Quarterback' trailed Patrick Mahomes last season as the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Now, they might have finally revealed the secret of the all-conquering quarterback.

Beyond working alongside the team under the watchful eye of head coach Andy Reid, Patrick Mahomes prepares thrice a week on his own with personal trainer Bobby Stroupe.

According to Stroupe, the reason for that is his ability to keep looking downfield even when rolling. He said:

"There are quarterbacks that when they’re rolling right, they can't turn their head and some that can. The same athlete maybe when they roll left, they can't, There's many quarterbacks that have deficits going both ways. Patrick keeps his head perfectly still like an owl and still be able to visually see what’s going on here and also manipulate his body due to the mobility that he has in his spine."

His personal trainer also credited Patrick Mahomes' back strength as the reason he is able to move his hips and shoulder independently. He added,

"How fast can you rotate and swivel that part of your body independently of the rest of your body? Patrick has strengthened his spine. His hip-shoulder separation is the best that I’ve seen. I’ve worked with some of the hardest throwers in the sport of baseball and at the quarterback position. It’s incredible."

Bobby Stroupe reveals how he trains Patrick Mahomes to be ready for the Chiefs in Netflix's 'Quarterback'

Bobby Stroupe also detailed his input into the way Patrick Mahomes plays. He said,

"We train to be able to move in as many ways as possible. I believe in armoring the body in different movements to make sure that you are prepared to go where you don’t want to go. You have to be comfortable in those uncomfortable positions or you’re gonna be hurt."

He also emphasized the imporatance of building tissue resilience and density to avoid injuries. Stroupe added,

"There is something that we focus on called tissue resilience, working in different positions, to where his tissues literally have to create density and have to adapt to these positions I’m putting him in. And those things give you a little more of a resistance to injury."

He finally also detailed that each of three days is spent doing something different. One day it to rejuvenate, the next day is to be match-ready and the final day is to be faster than match-speed, so the game feels comfortable in real time.

'"A" day is focused on rejuvenation - renewing the tissue. This involves a lot of manipulating the body in space, checking to see if everything works the way it should, get to zero, get the base."
'"B' day is focused on movement literacy and power development. So that Wednesday I want him moving in the way he needs to move on Sunday."
'"C" day is full speed. I want him to have movements that are faster than any movement he’d do in the game. Because then the game is gonna feel very slow. It’s gonna feel very comfortable."

Netflix's 'Quarteback' has touched in depth on a lot of subjects that have left Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs' opponents floundering. Remains to be seen if they take a page out of his book to beat him at his own game.

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