Pokemon types have risen and fallen over time, and the weakest Pokemon types have taken on different meanings. With a total of eighteen different types by Generation IX, the rankings are nearly set, and some types were neglected when compared to types such as Steel and Dragon.
Some of the types that are considered weak in Pokemon have had Generations where some of the strongest Pokemon sat in the category. But most of the types on the list are considered weak due to the amount of weakness that they have, and as Generations go on, it only gets worse.
This article will discuss what are the weakest Pokemon types in the franchise.
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Top weakest Pokemon types
#5 - Psychic

Psychic-types are the poster children for Pokemon that were once one of the strongest forces in Generation I and began to fall once Game Freak needed to implement a counter. Dark-type was added as a direct answer to Psychic which dominated to an extent.
In the current state of the game, Psychic isn't horribly useless. But it's too mediocre and weak in the wrong spots to compete.
Also read: Dark-type Pokemon weaknesses, strength, & best moves explained.
#4 - Grass

Compared to Psychic-type Pokemon, Grass-types suffer a bit more from weaknesses. Grass is weak to five other types and even worse, it is also resisted by seven other types.
Along with the low super effective rate in types, Grass-types have the capacity for a ton of damage done to them, without any of the offensive trade-offs. Of course, some types will be countered by Grass, but that is not enough.
Also read: All Grass-type starter Pokemon families, ranked.
#3 - Rock

Rock types are like Grass but without the hindrance of offensive capabilities. In fact, Rock has some of the best offensive abilities overall, but it's not even nearly worth the amount of damage they are vulnerable to taking.
Unfortunately, even some of the best Rock-type options are far too susceptible to weaknesses, and it makes them very difficult to pull off.
#2 - Bug

Like Grass, Bug-types are missing far too much in terms of both offensive and defensive capabilities making them one of the weakest Pokemon types. Missing out on both, defense and offense, is clearly a problem in battles.
They have one advantage in early evolutions, but they don't scale later on. Some Bug-types are incredibly powerful, but that's despite Bug-typing most of the time, not because of it.
#1 - Ice

While an argument can be made for Bug-type to be the weakest Pokemon type, the Ice just has far too many weaknesses. While it has some decent offensive abilities and can destroy types like Dragon, most Water-type Pokemon can use the best Ice moves anyway.
This is why Ice is often considered to be the weakest Pokemon type. It essentially has as many weaknesses as Rock-types do, and it makes them very difficult to use on a team without wasting a slot.
Check out our other Pokemon articles:
- 10 best Ice-type Pokemon, ranked
- 10 best Fire-type Pokemon, ranked
- 10 best Electric-type Pokemon, ranked
- 10 best Dark-type Pokemon, ranked
- 10 best Dragon-type Pokemon, ranked
FAQs on weakest Pokemon types
What is the weakest Pokemon type combination?
The Bug/Grass type combo is the weakest in the Pokemon franchise. Critters of this typing lack strong offensive type coverage while being vulnerable to several others like Fire, Flying, etc.
What Pokemon has zero type weaknesses?
The Generation V Pokemon, Eelektross, has no type weaknesses. Generally, Electric-types are weak to Ground-type attacks, however, its Levitate ability protects it from that.
What is the weakest Pokemon?
Geodude is often considered to be the weakest Pokemon because of six different type weaknesses, and a bad defense stat. Moreover, the Pokemon also suffers from a lack of speed.