As author and illustrator Kohei Horikoshi’s beloved original manga progresses through its epilogue, fans are certain they’ve seen the best My Hero Academia fights the series has to offer. While it’s entirely possible that the epilogue could have a few more skirmishes, it’s unlikely to be anything on a scale large enough to outrank virtually any prior fight in the series.
Likewise, fans are now eagerly debating what the best My Hero Academia fights are, again under the assumption that the epilogue has nothing in store that would qualify here. Although this topic of discussion is inherently subjective, there are several battles from the series that are commonly discussed as the best My Hero Academia fights.
Disclaimer: The following article represents the author’s opinions and their opinions only. This article also contains major spoilers for the My Hero Academia manga. Readers’ discretion is requested.
Deku’s protagonistic role sees him involved in a majority of the best My Hero Academia fights
10) Deku vs Gentle Criminal

While it’s far from the most intense fights in the series, Deku versus Gentle Criminal still deserves a spot amongst the best My Hero Academia fights for several key reasons. Firstly, the fight is incredibly significant for Izuku “Deku” Midoriya’s character, as it forces him to realize that there will be villains he doesn’t hate or have anything against, but will be forced to fight anyway.
It’s also one of the first times in the series where Deku is personally motivated by a fight, wanting to ensure the cultural festival goes off without a hitch so Eri can have a good time. Beyond this, it’s an incredibly well-choreographed fight, with the matchup of One For All and Gentle’s Elasticity Quirk making for an enthralling, albeit fairly short, fight.
9) Hawks vs Twice & Dabi

A common theme amongst many of the best My Hero Academia fights is how interwoven they are with character development and growth. Hawks versus Twice & Dabi is no exception and serves as one of the most humanizing moments in the series for any villain via the focus on Twice’s emotions and reaction to Hawks’ betrayal.
Dabi’s contribution, meanwhile, is adding large, flourishing moves to the fight which truly makes it a feast for the eyes. While he’s also given some personal motivation and growth at its end, his contribution largely revolves around upping the fight’s visual quality. Beyond this, Hawks’ Quirk is always eye candy and pairs perfectly with the chaos of Twice’s and Dabi’s Quirks to make for a can’t-look-away experience.
8) Deku vs Overhaul

Deku versus Overhaul is similarly emotional, with the former taking personal issue with the latter’s treatment of Eri. Likewise, Deku is fighting for something he cares about here, which is evident in the vicious and unrelenting pace he takes in the fight against Kai Chisaki. His fevered emotions translate to fans perfectly here likewise, getting viewers just as invested in the outcome as he himself is.
From a visual standpoint, the fight is regarded as one of the most beautifully animated in the anime series and one of the best choreographed in the manga. Both versions of the bout see Deku also use 100% of One For All’s strength for the first time, which unsurprisingly plays a major role in why this fight is such a treat to watch.
7) Deku vs Shoto Todoroki

For quite a long time, many would’ve called Deku versus Shoto Todoroki not just one of the best My Hero Academia fights, but the single best overall. There are some who still argue this today, and they’re not wrong to do so. From an emotional standpoint, this serves as a stepping stone on Deku’s path to forming his own ideals of heroism which guide him through the rest of the series, including his final fight with Tomura Shigaraki.
The fight is also a pure visual spectacle regardless of the medium it is viewed in, but the amenities of animation obviously elevate the fight to the next level. The fight’s climactic final scene highlights this best, alternating between static sakuga-laden shots of Shoto while large, sweeping pans of the battlefield follow Deku as he charges in for his final attack.
6) Deku, Iida, and Todoroki vs Stain

Rounding out the bottom half of the list is one of the most exciting fights from the early section of the series, seeing Deku, Shoto, and Tenya Iida take on a tried and true villain for the first time. In reality, Iida is the one who drags them into the situation, but the trio nevertheless band together and prove themselves true heroes against the Hero Killer Stain. Likewise, each student is impressed greatly by the fight’s end, whether by their growth or the skill they showed during.
The fight is also very significant as it emphasizes that what All Might saw in Deku that day they first met can be seen by others as well. It’s subtle, but it nevertheless serves as confirmation that Deku is indeed the real deal, which is an exciting tease for fans in the moment. Without a doubt, this three-on-one deserves a place among the best My Hero Academia fights.
5) Deku vs Katsuki Bakugo

One of the biggest reasons why Deku versus Katsuku Bakugo is one of the best My Hero Academia fights stems from its functionality as a payoff to the series as a whole up until then. Throughout the first seasons, it’s constantly established that Deku is playing catch up to his contemporaries, who have had their Quirks for their whole lives. The Kamino Ward arc then happens, which sees All Might tell Deku it’s now his turn whether he’s ready or not.
This is followed up by a truly defining moment for Deku, in which he does lose this fight against Bakugo but proves that he can both earn his rival’s respect and keep up with him in the process. The fight also leads to Bakugo discovering the truth of One For All, which is instrumental in the series’ development from this point on. Considering all of this is achieved while still making an acceptably enthralling fight visually speaking, it undoubtedly deserves mention here.
4) All Might vs All For One (Kamino Ward)

Speaking of the Kamino Ward arc, its entry into the list of best My Hero Academia fights also serves as a defining moment for the series overall. The final fight between a One For All-wielding All Might and All For One delivers in virtually every aspect. It establishes how powerful All Might is as he retires from Pro Heroism with a defining victory, while still putting over All For One as a menacing and dangerous threat despite his loss.
Visually speaking, the battle is one of the most captivating and engaging in the entire series in both the anime and manga mediums. A major highlight is the fight’s overall direction, with a clear creative vision in mind which is present in almost every major scene of the fight. This rings especially true for its climax, which truly drives home that the battle against All For One is a war which has spanned several generations.
3) Bakugo vs All For One

Speaking of All For One, Bakugo’s role in finishing off the villain who once viewed him as a perfect recruit is undoubtedly one of the best My Hero Academia fights. While the anime has yet to adapt this fight, it was truly a feast for the eyes in the manga, with incredible choreography and double-spreads galore. The fight also sees Bakugo undergo a Quirk Awakening, which makes for an exciting and unexpected finish as he saves his role model’s life in the process.
Beyond the visuals and the power progression, however, the fight is also significant both in the context of the series itself and the fandom. For the latter, it marked Bakugo’s return after being presumably killed in action for over a year of real-world time. For the former, it sees Bakugo prove that he too can be the next Symbol of Peace, doing something even All Might could not by finally putting an end to All For One.
2) All Might vs All For One (Final War)

That being said, Bakugo is teed up for victory by a brutal slugfest between All For One and Armored All Might, which is essentially an Iron Man suit made for All Might specifically. Despite being unpowered while using it, the suit allows All Might to deliver what is easily his best fight in the series overall, and one of the best My Hero Academia fights in general. Much of this stems from the meaning of the fight, which sees all of the suit’s abilities named after Class 1-A heroes.
The fight’s choreography and art also make a major impact in its high ranking here, being one of the most visually pleasing and rewarding fights in the entire series. The brutal artwork portraying All Might as he slowly goes crazy from the pain combined with an All For One who, for the first time in the series,is legitimately scared creates a striking balance tonally. With each attack also being eye candy in and of itself, this fight’s quality cannot be overstated enough.
1) Deku vs Shigaraki (Final War)

However, the final fight in the series overall is not only one of the best My Hero Academia fights but likely the single best overall. Admittedly, Deku and Shigaraki’s skirmishes prior to this were somewhat underwhelming, often being cut short or not seeing much happen at all. This is more than made up for here, in a grand battle that sees the entirety of Class 1-A and more get involved by its end. Likewise, this cavalcade of Quirks makes for a visually enthralling skirmish.
Yet even with how visually impressive the fight is in artwork, tone, and more, the emotion behind the fight is what earns it the top spot. Deku makes the ultimate sacrifice here, and in the end, is still forced to accept that one can give everything and still fail to achieve their ideals. While the ongoing epilogue for the series should offset this total loss slightly, a lack of doing so has no impact on its ranking here, with it definitively being the best fight Horikoshi’s manga has.
In conclusion
While there are many different reasons why each of the above bouts can be called one of the best My Hero Academia fights, there is a clear connection between most of them. This is the narrative and emotional significance behind the fight, with virtually all of the best My Hero Academia fights featuring some sort of character growth or sentimental stake behind them.
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