One Punch Man fans often discuss the strongest characters in the series. However, not many discuss the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. While one may think that it is unnecessary to classify the characters as such, Tatsumaki is the only female character to be ranked a Class S hero.
This makes it difficult for fans to identify which other female characters could be considered the strongest. Thus, here we shall look at the 10 strongest female characters in One Punch Man, ranked from the weakest to the strongest. With that, fans should get an idea of whom they should keep an eye on.
Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers from the One Punch Man manga.
Mizuki to Tatsumaki: 10 strongest female characters in One Punch Man, ranked
10) Mizuki

Mizuki, also known as Captain Mizuki, is a B-Class Rank 71 Hero from the Hero Association. While her ranking may seem quite low to fans, she has amazing achievements to her name. She can defeat multiple Tiger and Wolf-level monsters all on her own. Additionally, she has a notably toned physique due to her training as an athlete.
Besides that, she attained more points than every hero other than A-Class Hero Iaian and S-Class Hero Atomic Samurai when she fought Monster Association member Rhino Wrestler. Such achievements clearly indicate that Mizuki is one of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
9) Shadow Ring

Shadow Ring, similar to Flashy Flash, is a ninja, though not from the same ninja village. She is an A-Class Rank 32 professional hero from the Hero Association. While her rank should be more than enough to prove that she is stronger than Mizuki, she also has a few achievements to her name.
She is a strong hero who got recruited to be part of the Monster Association Raid team. During the raid, she defeated several monsters and was also complimented by S-Class Hero Flashy Flash for her movements. Unfortunately, she wasn't strong enough to defeat Rhino Wrestler, proving she was weaker than most demon-level monsters.
8) Do-S

Do-S, also known as "Monster Princess" Do-S, is a mysterious Demon-level being of the Monster Association. While she does possess enhanced physical strength, her main weapon is mind control. Using mind control, she was able to give Fubuki a tough fight in the past; however, she later got defeated by the B-class hero.
The mere fact that she is a Demon-level monster proves she is stronger than Mizuki and Shadow Ring, helping her rank above the B-Class and A-Class heroes amongst the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
7) Eyesight

Similar to "Monster Princess" Do-S, Eyesight is a Demon-level being of the Monster Association. While she died in the series, she was stronger than other Demon-level monsters. This is because the S-Class Hero Child Emperor couldn't kill her despite tricking her.
This hints at her strength as a powerful monster, helping her climb the ranks of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. The only reason she died in the series was because she was swallowed whole by another S-Class Hero, Pig Man.
6) Mosquito Girl

As revealed by One Punch Man manga, Mosquito Girl is a prototype artificial mutant created by Dr. Genus of the House of Evolution. While she later started working at the House of Takoyaki, she had some notable achievements before her time at the store.
During the House of Evolution Arc, Mosquito Girl went toe-to-toe with Genos. Unfortunately, she was defeated by a nonchalant slap from Saitama. While fans believed that the mutant had died, she surprisingly made her return, establishing that she survived Saitama's slap. That fact alone should help her rank high amongst the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
5) Suiko

Suiko, Suiryu's younger sister and Suicho's granddaughter, is a martial artist and user of Void Fist. While she believes she is stronger than her older brother, Suiryu, she can be assumed to be as strong as him.
Even when she was recruited to the Hero Association, she secured an A-Class rating on her first try. That said, as seen in the manga, Suiko is helpless against Dragon-level threats like Mirror. This is also evident from the fact that her strongest attack could only deal 0.4% damage to the Machine God.
Hence, Suiko can be considered one of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
4) Fubuki

As fans would know, Fubuki is a B-Class Rank 1 Hero. This may lead fans to wonder why she is so high up the ranks of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. This is because Fubuki herself refrained from being ranked in Class A.
Thus, if Fubuki were to rank up, there is no saying how high her rank would be. Moreover, one should remember that besides her older sister, Tatsumaki, Fubuki is the strongest esper in the manga series. Her achievements during the Monster Association Arc also prove her strength compared to other female characters.
3) Okamaitachi

Okamaitachi is an A-Class Rank 3 hero of the Hero Association. As evidenced by her hero rank, she is quite strong. In addition, she is also S-Class hero Atomic Samurai's disciple.
Given that she was able to defeat Demon Long Hair with assistance from her fellow Atomic Samurai Disciples, it is clear that she can defeat a Demon-level threat. But that is not true for a Dragon-level threat, as Okamaitachi doesn't stand a chance against such monsters.
Even Fubuki once mentioned how Okamaitachi and the other disciples could have been S-Class heroes had it not been for Sweet Mask's gatekeeping. This proves that Okamaitachi is one of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
2) Psykos

As revealed by One Punch Man manga, Psykos was the second-highest-ranking member of the Monster Association. This fact proves that she is one of the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. The only question is whether she is stronger than S-Class Rank 2 Hero Tatsumaki.
As seen in the manga series, while Psykos was stronger than Fubuki, her esper abilities were inferior to that of Tatsumaki. Hence, it can be confirmed that besides Tatsumaki, Psykos is the strongest female character in the series. While she does become stronger later, it is only due to her fusion with Orochi.
1) Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki is easily the top among the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. She is ranked S-Class Rank 2, meaning no female hero is stronger than her. In the meantime, when it comes to strong female monsters and enemies, none are stronger than her. Hence, Tatsumaki is ranked at No.1 amongst the strongest female characters in One Punch Man.
Until now, she has won every fight she has fought in, except for the one against Saitama during the Psychic Sisters Arc. Some of her enemies were Psykos, Orochi, and Gyoro Gyoro.
According to us, these were the strongest female characters in One Punch Man. If you have any changes you would like to make to the list, please comment below.
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