5 examples of "Mamba Mentality" which made Kobe Bryant great

NBA Finals Game 7:  Boston Celtics v Los Angeles Lakers
Celebrating Championship victory

2) In High School, Kobe would be at the gym at 5 in the Morning

Kobe was dominant even in high school

When Kobe returned from Europe, he studied at Lower Merion High School. While at Lower Merion, Kobe would get to the gym at 5.00 am almost every day to practice and get shots up. He would do this for two hours till 7.00 am after which he would get ready for school.

After team practices, Kobe would pick out players who he thought he could learn something from, and he would challenge them. He would challenge them to one-on-one games till one of them reaches 100 points. At such a young age, Kobe was always looking to use everything as a learning experience so that he could better himself.

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