NBA Comics: Sticks and Slaps VS Words

The Golden State Warriors‘s new coach Mark Jackson, he of the weakness for clichés, looks to impress the Warriors owner who is an Indian, Vivek Ranadivé.
‘Momma! There goes that man!’ That wouldn’t fly well.
Catchphrase hunt commences.Step 1: Look for a dignified Indian personality, one whose catchphrases are looked up to by one and all.
Found: Amitabh Bachchan.
Step 2: What is the catchphrase he utters the most?
Words can cause confusion. Below, Tyler Hansbrough capitalizes on that to confuse the opposition.
Sometimes, words can hurt when they come from someone in power.
Of course, power doesn’t always come from being the coach.

Gasp! A slap!

If this were a K serial soap opera, we would show you the slap with different camera angles. And with multiple reactions to the slap from different people.

Zoomed in view.Tilted view. And one angle upside down for good measure.

Sometimes, people defer the use of words altogether. Some words are better left unsaid.