Mimics are special zombies in MW3 Zombies that are rare to encounter, but with the Season 5 Reloaded update, the developers have introduced a fresh method to spawn multiple of these entities. These zombies possess tentacles and razor-sharp fangs, making them incredibly fast and dangerous. They can inflict significant damage, shoot deadly acid balls, and even use their tentacles to grab and pull you.
A new Dark Aether Rift has been added this season as part of the final story mission. Even after completing the mission, you can reenter this region to explore and complete contracts and collect new schematics. However, certain steps are essential to unlock the Dark Aether Rift portal.
One of these steps involves collecting four items, including a specific one called the Echo of Locked Diary, which can be obtained by eliminating five Mimics using the Aether Blade. Finding five Mimics can be challenging, but here is a simple procedure to spawn multiple of these creatures.
Also read: How to defeat the Entity final boss in MW3 Zombies Season 5 Reloaded
Procedure to spawn multiple Mimics in MW3 Zombies explored
Before attempting to spawn multiple Mimics in MW3 Zombies, ensure you are well-prepared, as this must be done within a Tier 2 Zone.
To trigger a reward rift and obtain the purple Echo of Locked Diary item, you must eliminate the Mimics using your Aether Blade. While you can damage these special zombies with any weapon, the final blow must be dealt with your Aether Blade to fulfill the requirement.
Follow these steps to spawn multiple Mimics in MW3 Zombies.
- Deploy into a MW3 Zombies match.
- If desired, explore the region to upgrade your gear by Pack-a-Punching your weapons, completing contracts, collecting essence, and more.
- When ready, head to the Tier 2 Zone, specifically near the southeastern border in the Souk Nuri region (refer to the below image for an accurate location).

- Locate the bridge connecting to the Low Town POI.
- Proceed underneath the bridge and jump into the water.
- You'll find three purple runestones scattered underwater, close to the bridge.
- Swim above the area and listen for a humming sound. When you hear it, dive underwater to locate the runestones.
- Approach each runestone and melee it. If successful, the rune symbol will change color from purple to yellow.

- Repeat this process for the remaining two runestones.
- Once all three runestones have been meleed, head to the docks.
- Look for symbols on the pillars of the bridge.
- Position yourself so that you align the symbols into a perfect triangle.
- Jump into the water and carefully adjust your position until the runic pattern changes color from yellow to green.

- Once the pattern turns green, Mimics will begin spawning.
The easiest way to eliminate the Mimics is to stay in the water, damage them with your weapon, and finish them off with your Aether Blade. This is the simplest way to acquire the purple Echo of Locked Diary item
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