Genshin Impact Beginner

Last Modified Jan 22, 2024 10:59 GMT

Genshin Impact is playable on a variety of platforms, including PC, mobile, and PS4. It is recommended that you create a Mihoyo account so that you can access your game files across multiple devices.

As a beginner, prioritise high-level tasks such as activating Teleport Waypoints, achieving Adventure Rank, completing Archon & Story Quests, farming materials, levelling up characters you will use, upgrading Statues of the Seven, and wishing for characters and weapons. Completing World Quests, Cooking Food, Exploring the Region and Finding Chests, Unlocking the Shrine of Depths, and so on should be less prioritised.

Aim to complete the main story (Archon Quests) as soon as possible to gain Adventure EXP. As you gain Adventure EXP, your Adventure Rank will rise. Collect any Amenoculus, Geoculus, or Electroculus floating nearby. These collectibles can be traded into the Statues of the Seven, which can be found all over the world, to upgrade them.

The world of Teyvat is full of secrets, but every now and then you'll come across one that doesn't have a clear solution. Always use the pins on your map to mark that location for later reference. Remember to complete all of the mini-goals in your Adventurer Handbook. It contributes to your adventure rank. A character who wields the greatsword will break rocks much more quickly.