You will be able to encounter more Shiny Ghost-type Pokemon after cooking a Shiny Ghost Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Finding Shiny variants of critters is a difficult task since these creatures are elusive. However, with the right Shiny Sandwich, you can drastically increase your chances of finding these Pocket Monsters.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about Shiny Ghost Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
How to create a Shiny Ghost Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

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Shiny sandwiches are admittedly fairly expensive ingredient-wise in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, but trainers certainly can't argue with the results.
By entering the Creative Mode of the sandwich menu, players can combine ingredients that don't usually go together in the standard recipe menu. This will result in creations superior to any sandwich that Game Freak provides by default. If trainers are shiny hunting for Ghost-types, there's one particular sandwich recipe that they will need to make.
Here's how to make a Shiny Ghost Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet:
- Collect the following ingredients: Red onion, two Salty Herba Mystica, and any type of sandwich pick (red flag works fine).
- Enter the sandwich menu by starting a picnic in the wild and interacting with the picnic table. Then press X to enter Creative Mode.
- Create a recipe with red onions and two Salty Herba Mystica. Make the sandwich. The Herba Mystica should be applied as a seasoning. Place the three red onions provided across the sandwich evenly.
- Complete the sandwich by placing the bread so that it covers the onions and seasoning. Apply your sandwich pick to complete the recipe.
With this specific sandwich recipe, players will receive Sparkling Power Level 3 for Ghost-type creatures as well as Level 3 Title and Encounter Power. This sandwich's effect will make Ghost-type Pokemon appear much more often, and shinies will also be much more prevalent than they normally would be.
Any Pocket Monsters caught while these effects are active will also have an increased likelihood of having a title equipped, which is a nice plus.
How to Herba Mystica for Shiny Ghost Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

At any rate, the trickiest ingredient to obtain in this recipe is undoubtedly the Salty Herba Mystica. These rare seasonings can be obtained by completing 5 and 6-star Tera Raid battles. If players want to improve their shiny hunting odds in general, they'll want to outfit their team for peak battle performance and find trainers who have done the same.
When a Tera Raid boss of high caliber is defeated, players can obtain Herba Mystica and a host of other incredibly useful items. This includes EV-increasing or reducing items, EXP candies, and much more.
Having a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet can make the task of finding a shiny Pocket Monster of this type easier, even if you already have a Shiny Charm. The titles let players craft sandwiches to share with their team, which endow them with various useful buffs. This allows you to find specific types of monsters a bit easier.
This article will tell you everything you need to know about cooking a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Cooking up a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

If you want to have the coolest-looking Annihilape in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you will want to find a shiny one. That will take forever, though, unless you’re overwhelmingly lucky. Each type has a specific recipe you’ll want to follow, and they’re going to take a little work.
To craft a Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, you'll want to farm 5 and 6-star Tera Raids. The first ingredient is two Salty Herba Mysticas, so you will want to do as much of this as possible to have a shot at the proper ingredient. You aren’t guaranteed to get them to drop, so it might take some time.
How to craft Shiny Fighting Sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
- Farm Tier 5 and 6-star Tera battles for 2x Salty Herba Mystica
- Purchase some Pickles
- Make sure you have a sandwich pick (Red works fine)
- Open the Sandwich menu at a picnic, and press X to start Creative Mode
- Create a recipe using a few pickles across the bread. The Herba Mystica will be used as a seasoning.
- Put the other bread on top, and put your sandwich pick in
This will grant you Sparkling Power 3 (Fighting), Title Power 3 (Fighting), and Encounter Power 3 (Fighting). However, one important piece of advice is to turn off autosave before you craft sandwiches.
You can accidentally waste ingredients by not putting them properly on a sandwich or burning through a few and not finding any Shiny fighting-types in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Therefore, turning off the auto-save is recommended before you attempt Shiny farming. That way, if your sandwiches fail and you find nothing useful, you can always reload and use your ingredients again.
After all, it’s easy to go to the store and buy pickles. You aren’t guaranteed Salty Herba Mystica in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. To get two of them, you may have to do a significant amount of Tera Raids, so you want to make every single sandwich count.

The Tera Raids are worth it anyway, as higher-tier events grant better rewards. But if you want to Shiny hunt, this will be your best bet. If you want to know specific areas you should travel to, a few boast good Fighting-types.
For example, North Province (Area One) can grant you Gallade, the powerful split-evolution of Kirlia. Meanwhile, the Socarrat Trail boasts the classic Heracross, the mighty Bug/Fighting type.
And, of course, you can head to The Great Crater of Paldea, which will undoubtedly have some Fighting-types. These include Great Tusk and Slither Wing for Scarlet, while Violet has Iron Hands and Iron Valiant. There are plenty of Fighting-types to capture in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. With this sandwich in hand, catching an amazing Shiny for your team will be easier.
Check out other Pokemon Scarlet and Violet guides to have an easier time:
- How to shiny hunt in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet
- Best starters for Scarlet and Violet
- Best team for early, mid, and late game
- Obedience level and badge requirements
- Indigo Disk BB Elite Four and Champion guide
- Best Doubles teams for Regulation F
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