Players who have added Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar to their collection may want to teach the creature its best moveset and know its counters. They might also be interested in learning its competitive viability. Shadow Magmar can be obtained by rescuing it from Team GO Rocket Grunts or defeating it in its three-star Shadow Raid Battles, which are available to join during Fashion Week: Taken Over 2025.
This article covers everything you need to know about Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar’s best moveset, counters, and performance in PvP and PvE battles.
Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar’s best moveset

Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
Shadow Magmar’s best PvP moveset
- Fast Attack: Karate Chop
- Charged Attack: Fire Punch and Scorching Sands
Shadow Magmar’s best PvE moveset
- Fast Attack: Karate Chop
- Charged Attacks: Flamethrower
Is Shadow Magmar good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Shadow Magmar in Pokemon GO PvP
Of all battle formats of the Battle League, Shadow Magmar is only good to use in the Color Cup. Its best moveset complements its battle stats and the role it plays in the meta.
You can assign Shadow Magmar a Lead or a Switch role. However, you need to be careful of its low defensive power; it can tackle a wide array of opponents but cannot take hits from them.
Also read: Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar raid guide: Weaknesses and best counters
Shadow Magmar in Pokemon GO PvE
When you use Shadow Magmar in PvE battles, its Attack stat increases, but its Defense stats decrease. The creature doesn’t have an impressive Stamina stat, which is a must-have requirement for a Shadow Pokemon to last long in battles.
Shadow Magmar’s Fast Attack is Karate Chop, but this Fighting-type move cannot deal STAB damage.
Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar: All moves and stats
Here are the creature’s stat distribution and moves:
Fast Attacks:
- Karate Chop
- Ember
Charged Attacks:
- Flamethrower
- Fire Blast
- Fire Punch
- Frustration
- Scorching Sands
Base stats:
- Max CP: 2706
- Attack: 206
- Defense: 154
- Stamina: 163
Also read: How to get Magmar in Pokemon GO, and can it be shiny?
Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar’s weaknesses and resistances

Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar’s weaknesses are:
- Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type moves
Its resistances are:
- Bug-, Fairy-, Fire-, Grass-, Ice-, and Steel-type moves
Check out the type effectiveness of the creature using our Pokemon Type Calculator tool.
Counters to Pokemon GO Shadow Magmar
Great League counters: Shadow Marowak, Stunfisk, Gastrodon, Shadow Quagsire, Shadow Drapion, Carbink, Primeape, Drifblim, and Galarian Corsola.
Ultra League counters: Shadow Golurk, Primeape, Drifblim, Altered Giratina, Talonflame, Annihilape, Gliscor, Goliscopod, and Greninja.
Master League counters: Altered Giratina, Kyogre, Primarina, Palkia, Shadow Palkia, Rhyperior, Complete Forme Zygarde, Exadrill, and Dawn Wings Necrozma.
PvE counters:
- Primal Kyogre: Water Fall and Origin Pulse
- Primal Groudon: Mud Shot and Precipice Blades
- Mega Garchomp: Mud Shot and Earth Power
- Mega Swampert: Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Shadow Rhyperior: Mud-Slap and Rock Wrecker
- Mega Diancie: Rock Throw and Rock Slide
- Therian Forme Landorus: Mud Shot and Sandsear Storm
- Shadow Kingler: Bubble and Crabhammer
- Shadow Feraligatr: Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
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- Team GO Rocket Grunts
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