Super Mario Bros. Wonder, the latest addition to the iconic Super Mario franchise, marks a thrilling return to the classic 2D platforming adventure. Released on October 20, 2023, for the Nintendo Switch, this game brings Mario back to his side-scrolling roots with a fresh and innovative twist. Announced during the June 2023 Nintendo Direct, it is the twenty-second installment in the series and a long-awaited sequel, breaking an 11-year gap since the last full-fledged 2D Super Mario title.
There are a total of 12 playable characters in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.
Which are the playable characters in Super Mario Bros. Wonder?
All your favorite characters including Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, and Yoshi return to this new installment of the franchise. There are a total of 12 playable characters. They are as follows:
Yellow Toad
Blue Toad
Red Yoshi
Light-Blue Yoshi
Yellow Yoshi
Who is the main antagonist of Super Mario Bros. Wonder?
Three of the antagonists return to this brand new Super Mario Bros. installment, with Bowser being the main antagonist. Bowser Jr. and Kamek also appear alongside Bowser and assist him in his evil adventures. Bowser Jr., who is Bowser’s son, also appears as a boss in the game.
The game starts with the player controlling Mario, moving forward through the very beginning of the Flower Kingdom where the other characters can also be seen gathered. Soon in the presence of Prince Florian, Bowser appears and takes hold of the Wonder Flower which makes him one with his Koopa Clown Car. He flies away as Mario’s new adventure begins.
Other supporting characters that appear in the game but cannot be controlled are:
Prince Florian
Talking Flowers
Professor Connect
Captain Toad
Big Wigglers
Super Mario Bros. will be exclusively available for Nintendo Switch from 20th October 2023. It will be available to purchase digitally and also as a game card for $59.99.
A. Super Mario Bros. Wonder is the latest addition to the iconic Super Mario franchise, and marks a thrilling return to the classic 2D platforming adventure.
A. There are a total of 12 main playable characters in Super Mario Bros. Wonder.
A. Bowser returns as the main antagonist of Super Mario Bros. Wonder.