Sandslash, the evolved form of Sandshrew, is a decent pick for specific battle scenarios in Pokemon GO. However, you need the best moveset to perform well. Also, acquiring knowledge on its counters is a plus point. If you happen to catch Sandshrews during the Spotlight Hour event, make sure you evolve the right IV one into a Sandslash. With that achieved, your second step is to teach it its best attacks. Note that some moves used in PvP and PvE battles differ.
Sandslash made its way into the Pokemon world through the Gen 1 Red and Blue video games. It first appeared in 2016 in Niantic's mobile title. Its attacks are strong against many types of Pokemon, including Rock, Electric, and Fire. However, will that help it in the GO Battle League, raids, and Gym attack/defense? This article explores more.
Best moveset for Sandslash in Pokemon GO

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In Pokemon GO, Sandslash can access Ground, Rock, Metal, Dark, and Steel-type moves. It is a solo Ground-type Pokemon, so it is best to go with moves that can utilize STAB, which stands for the Same Type Attack Bonus. This is an effect that activates when a monster and a move share similar typing.
Remember that you can also train Sandslash with various types of moves. But, by opting for those that deal significant damage to give you an advantage, here's what this species should learn.
Best PvP moveset for Sandslash:
- Fast Move: Mud Shot
- Charged Moves: Night Slash* and Scorching Sands
Best PvP moveset for Sandslash:
- Fast Move: Mud Shot
- Charged Move: Scorching Sands
Is Sandslash good in Pokemon GO PvP and PvE?
Sandslash has a well-balanced stat spread in Pokemon GO. It boasts 182 Attack, 171 Defense, and 181 Stamina. Thus, when you're using it in the GO Battle League with its best PvP moveset, Mud Shot, Night Slash*, and Scorching Sands, it will rank at:
- #374 in the Great League
- #305 in the Ultra League
- #404 in the Master League
Looking at their ranking in the current meta, Sandslash isn't a reliable pick. Instead, its Alolan variant, which is a dual Ice and Steel-type Pokemon, is a much better option.
In Pokemon GO's PvE format, Sandslash deals moderate damage with its best moveset, Mud Shot and Scorching Sands. While its damage per second (DPS) is 11.81, its total damage output (TDO) is 305.17. This means if you use it in raids, it can deal 305.17 TDO before it faints. While its figures are unimpressive, it can still hurt Gym-defending Pokemon that are weak to Ground-type moves.
Counters for Sandslash in Pokemon GO

We looked at Sandslash's rankings in the Pokemon GO Battle League above. Since it is not a potent meta fighter, be aware of the given PvP counters.
Great League counters: Talonflame, Azumarill, Lickitung, Whiscash, Skarmory, Mantine, and Shadow Gilgar
Ultra League counters: Greninja, Virizion, Mandibuzz, Poliwrath, Pidgeot, Tapu Fini, and Walrein.
Master League counters: Gyarados, Yveltal, Kyogre, Groudon, Zarude, Togekiss, and Origin Forme Palkia
Sandslash can be beaten in raids and Gym defense with these PvE counters:
- Primal Kyogre: Water Fall and Origin Pulse*
- Kartana: Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade
- Zarude: Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Greninja: Water Shuriken and Hydro Cannon
- Baxcalibur: Ice Fang and Avalanche
- Meowscarada: Leafage and Grass Knot
- Swampert: Water Gun and Hydro Cannon
- Kingler: Bubble and Crabhammer
Note: moves that have (*) marks are Elite moves.
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