Lumineon in Pokemon GO makes its presence felt as a 3-star raid boss. The Water-type Neon Pokemon is known for its vibrant and glowing fins, often swimming under the radar compared to its more formidable aquatic counterparts. Despite its relatively modest power, Lumineon poses a decent challenge for solo raiders, especially those without the right counters.
To secure victory, you’ll need to plan your team carefully, exploiting its key weaknesses while countering its strengths. Lumineon’s move pool and decent bulk can surprise unprepared trainers, so knowledge of its vulnerabilities is essential.
In this guide, we’ll break down the best counters and strategies to help you successfully defeat Lumineon on your own.
Check out the current Pokemon GO raid bosses that you can encounter in-game
How to defeat Lumineon in Pokemon GO Raids solo

- Type: Water-type
- Combat Power (CP): 12,812
- Attack: 142
- Defense: 170
- Stamina: 3,600 HP
- Fast Attacks: Water Gun and Waterfall
- Charged Attacks: Blizzard, Water Pulse and Silver Wind
- Weaknesses: As a pure Water-type Pokemon, Lumineon takes 160% damage from Electric- and Grass-type moves.
- Resistances: Lumineon resists Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water attacks, taking only 63% damage from them.
Note: The recommended solo-capable counter Pokemon are based on simulated game data, and results may vary. For best results, it's advised for the recommended Pokemon below to have the highest possible IV stats and be powered up to the highest possible CP to successfully clear the raid solo.
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Best counters for Lumineon in Pokemon GO without any weather boosts in play

To solo Lumineon in Pokemon GO efficiently, focus on Pokemon with strong Electric- or Grass-type moves. Here are some top choices:
- Mega or Shadow Sceptile with Fury Cutter and Frenzy Plant: Sceptile's blistering speed and powerful Grass-type moves make it a top choice for cutting through Lumineon’s bulk.
- Shadow Electivire with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge: With one of the highest Electric-type DPS outputs, Shadow Electivire deals massive damage.
- Kartana with Razor Leaf and Leaf Blade: Kartana is a Grass-type powerhouse, shredding through Water-types like Lumineon effortlessly.
- Shadow Raikou with Thunder Shock and Wild Charge: Shadow Raikou combines solid bulk with exceptional Electric-type offense.
- Mega or Shadow Manectric with Thunder Fang and Wild Charge: Manectric is a great option if you prefer a mix of speed and strength.
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Additional solo counters for Lumineon in Pokemon GO raids based on weather boosts
If weather conditions favor certain types, consider these alternatives for an extra edge over Lumineon in Pokemon GO:
- Xurkitree with Thunder Shock and Discharge
- Shadow Magnezone with Volt Switch and Wild Charge
- Thundurus Therian with Volt Switch and Wildbolt Storm
- Shadow Zapdos with Thunder Shock and Thunderbolt
- Zekrom with Charge Beam and Fusion Bolt
- Mega or Shadow Venusaur with Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant
- Shadow Luxray with Spark and Wild Charge
- Shaymin - Sky with Magical Leaf and Grass Knot
- Shadow Mewtwo with Psycho Cut and Thunderbolt
- Shadow Torterra with Razor Leaf and Frenzy Plant
- Mega or Shadow Ampharos with Volt Switch and Zap Cannon
- Zarude with Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Shadow Tangrowth with Vine Whip and Power Whip
- Shadow Alola Golem with Volt Switch and Wild Charge
- Roserade with Magical Leaf and Grass Knot
- Shadow Zebstrika with Spark and Wild Charge
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Tips for soloing Lumineon
- Prioritize Electric and Grass Pokemon: While Lumineon in Pokemon GO may not be the toughest raid you face, keep Grass- and Electric-types in your team for a smoother win.
- Watch out for Blizzard and Silver Wind: If Lumineon knows Blizzard or Silver Wind, Grass-type counters will struggle due to the move’s super-effective damage.
- Leverage weather boosts: Rainy weather buffs Electric-types and Sunny weather enhances Grass-types.
- Prepare for bulk: While Lumineon’s attack stat isn’t the highest, its decent defense and HP mean the battle may take time. As such, ensure your counters are well-leveled and equipped with optimal moves.
- Dodge charged attacks: If possible, dodging Lumineon’s charged moves can significantly increase your Pokemon’s survival time, especially against Blizzard.
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With the right strategy and team, soloing Lumineon in Pokemon GO 3-star raids is an achievable task. By exploiting its weaknesses with strong Electric- and Grass-types and preparing for its moveset, you’ll emerge victorious and add this glowing beauty to your collection.
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