The Pokemon GO Pokedex features an ever-expanding list of pocket monsters that have debuted in-game. With every new season, the developers add more critters for trainers to catch and add to their party.
In the latest season of Dual Destiny, fans have already seen the debuts of Corviknight, Polteageist, Grafaiai, and Dachsbun. The current National Pokedex (comprising all pocket monsters from every generation) lists 1,025 pocket monsters. Pokemon GO doesn't have all of them yet.
We have jotted down all Pokemon from each generation that are available in this title as well as the ones that are missing. This article also discusses some of the rarer monsters that you might be missing out on, like Regional Pokemon and other unique encounters.
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Pokemon GO Pokedex (December 2024)
There are currently 883 Pokemon available out of 1025 in Pokemon GO (courtesy of Bulbapedia). The recent additions in-game include Rookidee, Corvisquire, Corviknight, Shroodle, and Grafaiai.
The table below will help you find out which are still missing:
Apart from these, Pokemon GO has Meltan and Melmetal. They are not available in the mainline games.
Rare Pokemon you might be missing out in Pokemon GO Pokedex
Legendary Pokemon and Mythical Pokemon are generally restricted to raids, including the likes of Ho-Oh, Regigigas, Xerneas, Mewtwo, and Zacian.

Zygarde in Pokemon GO is one exception to this, as the Gen VI Legendary Pokemon is associated with the Routes mechanic. Another one is the Galarian Legendary Birds that may be encountered by using the Daily Adventure Incense and walking around.

For Mythical Pokemon, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, Civtini, Keldeo, Meloetta, and Diancie are available through specific Special Research.
Furthermore, you can check out a how to get Meltan in Pokemon GO guide to get the creature and later evolve it to get Melmetal.
If we are looking for Baby Pokemon, those can only be found as Egg hatches. The monsters in this category are Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Tyrogue, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby, Azurill, Wynaut, Budew, Chingling, Bonsly, Mime Jr. (regional), Happiny, Munchlax, Riolu, and Mantyke.

You must have noticed the word "regional" in parentheses on that list. Well, there are quite a few Regional Exclusives in Pokemon GO that are geo-locked to specific places around the world. Unless you are a globetrotter, you will have to wait for events that bring them into other regions.

We are noting down a few other rare encounters that come to mind that players may struggle with while trying to complete the Pokemon GO Pokedex.
- Smeargle - Appears when you take snapshots if you are lucky and once per day.
- Kecleon - Appears as an invisible obstacle at PokeStop and you will have to tap on it to catch it
- Zorua - Appears as the player's Buddy Pokemon on the map
- Spinda - Field Research encounter
- Spiritomb - Special Research encounter
- Gimmighoul - Check our guide on how to get Gimmighoul in Pokemon GO
If you are struggling with any other Pokemon, do drop it in the comments.
Check out other Pokemon GO guides:
- Ditto Disguises
- PokeStop Showcases Schedule
- Buddy evolution Adventure Together guide in Pokemon GO
- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
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