While the Grand Theft Auto community has many expectations from GTA 6, there are also a few things that it doesn’t want to see in the game. Fans have criticized many features from previous entries in the series, stating that they hamper the gameplay experience. Although Rockstar Games has tried to fix some of them from time to time, they still fail to please the player base.
This article lists seven features from current Grand Theft Auto games that should be a part of GTA 6.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer’s opinions.
7 features that Rockstar Games should not include in GTA 6
1) Using Story Mode content for multiplayer
Rockstar Games should not hold Story Mode content for multiplayer release later. The GTA 5 source code leaks disclosed that many gameplay expansions from single-player were used for GTA Online, completely abandoning the former. The Grand Theft Auto community has been very upset since this discovery.
Therefore, Rockstar Games must not repeat the same mistake twice. GTA 6 should make separate content for both Story Mode and multiplayer.
2) Flying vehicles

While there are many returning cars in GTA 6, the flying vehicles should not be a part of the list. Rockstar Games currently offers the following four flying vehicles in Grand Theft Auto Online:
- Pegassi Oppressor Mk II
- Mammoth Thruster (Jetpack)
- Imponte Deluxo
- Pegassi Oppressor
While the ability to fly is already a bizarre feature, Rockstar Games also put weapons in all of them. Therefore, such vehicles are a big no-no in the upcoming game.
3) Overpriced things
Rockstar Games should stop overcharging for things in GTA 6. The economy went out of control in GTA Online, and it is now beyond restoration. For example, a Stun Gun costs more than the Pegassi Bati 801RR, which is one of the best motorcycles in GTA Online.
There are also other examples where simple things have exorbitant price tags. Therefore, Rockstar Games must fix the economy in the upcoming game.
4) Non-interactive essential buildings

Rockstar Games made many of the essential buildings non-interactive in Grand Theft Auto 5. For example, you cannot enter a hospital or fast food restaurant. You also cannot buy snacks from the street vendors.
This is one of the biggest downgrades in the game that should be fixed in GTA 6.
5) Difference between PC and console versions
Rockstar Games should not introduce significant differences between the console and PC version of GTA 6. This is a burning problem with the current game; PS5 players enjoy the Expanded and Enhanced version, while PC players are still stuck with the old Enhanced version.
While exclusive vehicles and apparel are understandable, the game should not limit essential features to some players only.
6) Purchased vehicles disappearing

GTA 6 should not remove purchased vehicles from the inventory in Story Mode. This is still a major issue in GTA 5 where your purchased vehicle can get impounded and later deleted from your possession.
Purchased vehicles should be treated as personal cars in the upcoming game.
7) Non-interactive owned businesses

Most businesses in the current single-player game do not allow you to do anything, except when required for a mission.
Purchased businesses in GTA 6 Story Mode should be made interactable similar to GTA Online. The protagonist in the upcoming game should be able to enter such properties and engage in minor operational activities.
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