The best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO will get you fantastic results as the GO Battle League Max Out season kicks off. This is a brand new trainer battle format in Niantic's mobile game and will last from 1 pm PT on September 3, 2024, till 1 pm PT on September 17, 2024. During the first week, it will be accompanied by the open Great League and the Ultra League will run alongside it in the second.
The Galar Cup: Little Edition allows you to use all creatures found in the Pokemon Sword and Shield Pokedex that are available in Pokemon GO — provided they are at or under 500 CP.
This article covers the best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO for the Max Out season.
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Top teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO in Season 20
1) Bronzor, Skorupi, and Mandibuzz

This is one of the best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO because it is extremely bulky. However, it has painfully low offensive pressure. Therefore, battles can run for a long time, but the right play will put you on top.
Note: Vullaby has to be between level 8 and 9.5 if you are to have a Mandibuzz under 500 CP. Make sure to check out an Evolution calculator to get an estimate of the resultant Mandibuzz.
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2) Umbreon, Johto Wooper, and Clefable

This is another bulky lineup. It is an A-B-C-style team that covers each critter's weaknesses. Some of the key threats to this party are posed by opposing Shuckle, and Water-types. However, This team hardly has any dominant losses, so you can recover with smart energy management and strategic switching.
Note: Clefable must be between levels 7 and 8.5 to be in the optimal CP range to participate in this league. Make sure your Clefairy is in this range.
Also read: Pokemon GO Battle League Max Out (Season 20): Schedule, rewards, and more
3) Galarian Weezing, Pawniard, and Galarian Zigzagoon

This is one of the best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO because it masters the A-B-B style of team-building perfectly. Galarian Weezing's Poison-/Fairy-typing complements the Dark-types in the back. Each member also boasts excellent coverage moves to deal with the team's overall weaknesses.
Note: The optimal level range for Galarian Weezing is 7.5 to 9. Since you cannot evolve Koffing to get this Pocket Monster in Pokemon GO, you either have it from a previous event or you must get it via Trade now.
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4) Togetic, Diggersby, and Barboach

This is another of the A-B-B-style teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO that combines a Flier with two Ground-types. Togetic has strong offensive pressure with the newly buffed Fairy Wind, while the remaining critters are more defensively useful. The trio is extremely spammy with fast-charging Fast Attacks and low-energy Charged Moves.
Note: Diggersby has to be between levels 11.5 - 14 for this format. If you are evolving a Bunnelby for this Cup, make sure it is within this range.
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5) Shadow Purrloin, Shadow Drifloon, Cottonee

This is our final suggestion in the list of the best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO during the Max Out season. It is an A-B-C-type team consisting of two newly buffed Shadow Pocket Monsters. Purrloin is one of the strongest picks of this format since it deals both Dark as well as Fairy-type damage, and Shadow Drifloon can constantly debuff enemies with Icy Wind.
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That covers everything you need to know about the best teams for Galar Cup: Little Edition in Pokemon GO. You can check out our other Pokemon GO guides:
- Ditto disguises
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- Best Fast Attacks in Pokemon GO
- Sierra counters
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- Team GO Rocket Grunts
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