WWE Clash at the Castle Results: Debuting star joins The Bloodline; WWE Legends attacked in big heel turn - Winners, Recap, Grades, and Highlights (September 3, 2022)

Clash at the Castle had some big surprises ion store for us!
Clash at the Castle had some big surprises ion store for us!

WWE Clash at the Castle kicked off with a six-woman tag team match between Damage Control (Bayley, Dakota Kai, and IYO SKY) and the team of Asuka, Bianca Belair & Alexa Bliss. The kickoff show saw Madcap Moss & Street Profits defeat Alpha Academy & Austin Theory, among other shenanigans.

WWE Clash at the Castle Results (September 3, 2022): Damage Control vs. Asuka, Bianca Belair & Alexa Bliss

Belair and Bayley were about to start the match, but both superstars took cheap shots at each other's teammates, and a brawl broke out in the ring. The match resumed, and Damage Control isolated the RAW women's champion on the outside, taking her out. Belair, Bliss, and Asuka triple suplex on Bayley, SKY, and Kai before the heels retreated to regroup.

IYO SKY was tagged in, and faced Bliss, who slapped her in the face before stomping on her. Asuka came in and hit a big dropkick but was taken out with a top rope move from Sky.

Kai took Alexa out with a dropkick on the outside after Bliss took Bayley down with a dive from the apron.

Belair tagged in and hit a spinebuster on Bayley before getting a near fall off the standing moonsault. Dakota was tossed outside with SKY before Asuka and Bliss stood on Belair's back to deliver an assisted Superplex on Bayley.

The EST then hit a stalling fallaway slam on Kai, followed by a powerbomb. Kai got the scorpion kick on Asuka before Belair was isolated by the Damage Control. Bayley came in with a roseplant, and IYO SKY got a moonsault before The Role Model got the pin for her team.

Result: Damage Control def. Asuka, Bianca Belair & Alexa Bliss

Grade: B+

Gunther (c) vs. Sheamus - Intercontinental Championship match at WWE Clash at the Castle

Giovanni Vinci from NXT joined Ludwig Kaiser to reform Imperium with their leader, Gunther.

Both The Brawling Brutes and Imperium were in the ring, and the Butch, Holland, Vinci, and Kaiser started a brawl as the champ and challenger remained still.

The bell was rung after the two teams were done beating each other, and the match began with both men landing heavy blows. Sheamus got a suplex but missed the chops on the apron. Gunther then took a dropkick before knocking the Celtic Warrior off the ropes with a chop.

The two traded chops, and The Ring General managed to take Sheamus down before locking in a Boston Crab. The match went outside, and Sheamus was sent over the announce desk before the Celtic Warrior reversed a big move and got his trademark chops over the announce desk, then on the apron, and finally on the barricades outside.

The two were destroying each other in the ring before Sheamus got a near fall off a running knee. Gunther got a near fall off a powerbomb before the Celtic Warrior almost got the Brogue Kick but missed. Gunther hit another powerbomb for a near fall before getting the pin off a lariat.

Result: Gunther def. Sheamus to retain the Intercontinental Championship

Grade: A

Liv Morgan (c) vs. Shayna Baszler - SmackDown Women's Championship match at WWE Clash at the Castle

Morgan started off strong and got some big moves before hitting a big dropkick on the apron, but Baszler powered through and locked in an elbow stretch. The Champion then got out of it but was knocked down again by Baszler, who followed up with a German Suplex for a near fall.

Morgan got a top rope dropkick before unloading on Baszler and getting a near fall of her own. The champ was barely able to lift her left arm and took a big move from Baszler but managed to kick out. Liv then got a triangle lock in and transitioned to the armbar, but the Submission Magician reversed it and hit her finisher.

Morgan then got a rope-assisted powerbomb, but the challenger reversed the pin into the Kirifuda Clutch. The Champion later tried to reverse into an armbar, but it was denied. Baszler took the Codebreaker and the Oblivion before getting the pin.

Result: Liv Morgan def. Shayna Baszler to retain her SmackDown Women's Championship

Grade: B

Edge & Rey Mysterio vs. The Judgment Day at WWE Clash at the Castle

Edge came out in a Luchador mask, and the match kicked off with Rey and Balor in the ring. Finn started off strong, but Rey managed to send him into the corner before tags were made. Edge sent Priest outside before tossing Rey over the ropes, taking out both members of the Judgment Day.

Back in the ring, Rey was caught in a headlock by Priest, who let go and then spat on Edge in the corner. The Master of 619 was about to hit a big move off the apron, and Damian tried to stop him but went crotch-first into the barricades instead. Back in the ring, Edge tagged in and hit the Edge-o-cution on Balor.

Archer of Infamy then failed to run a distraction before Edge hit the 619 on Balor. Mysterio got the splash, but Priest broke the pin. Edge speared Damian out of the ring apron before Dominik got involved but was taken out by Rhea Ripley.

Rey then hit a dive on Ripley, who was about to send Dominik Mysterio into the barricades. Back in the ring, an interference from Dom allowed Rey to get the 619 on Balor before Edge came in with the spear and picked up the win.

Result: Edge & Rey Mysterio def. The Judgment Day

After the match, Dominik got a low blow on Edge, taking him out. Rey tried to reason with him, but Dom hit his father with a lariat as the Judgment Day burst out laughing.

Dominik walked out silently as the heels kept giggling. Rey recovered and apologized to Edge, but the Hall of Famer pulled him in for a hug instead.

Grade: A

Riddle vs. Seth Rollins at WWE Clash at the Castle

Riddle unloaded on Rollins off the bat, and the match went outside, where The Visionary hit a huge powerbomb on the barricades. Rollins slammed him into the announce desk before hitting a Falcon Arrow in the ring for a near fall.

Rollins hit a double stomp to the chest of Riddle in the corner before getting a superplex, but Riddle reversed the following suplex. The Original Bro got a quick knee strike and a superkick before hitting a floating bro to the outside.

Riddle countered the Pedigree into the Bro-to-sleep before getting a triangle lock-in. Rollins powered out of the hold and hit the Bro-Derek before getting a near fall. The former RAW tag team champion then dodged a splash but took the pedigree for a two-count.

Rollins taunted Riddle and called him a loser before The Original Bro unloaded on Rollins. The Visionary managed to hit the draping DDT, teasing Riddle further before setting up for the RKO.

Riddle took him down and beat the living snot out of Rollins before getting a chair. Riddle missed the chair shot as they got back to the ring, and Rollins hit a stomp. The Visionary then followed it up with another stomp from the middle rope before getting the pin.

Result: Seth Rollins def. Riddle

Grade: A

Roman Reigns (c) vs. Drew McIntyre - Undisputed WWE Universal Championship match at Clash at the Castle

Reigns was nervous at the beginning and kept his distance, not allowing McIntyre the opportunity to hit any big moves early on. The Scottish Warrior then sent The Head of the Table over the ropes with a lariat before sending him crashing into the steel steps.

Karrion Kross and Scarlett were in the front row, and Kross distracted McIntyre on the outside, letting Reigns get some big moves in.

The Tribal Chief was then dominating in the ring, but McIntyre kept kicking out after every beatdown. Reigns then got on the mic mid-match and demanded that the crowd acknowledge him. The Scottish Warrior used this as a distraction to hit a Glasgow Kiss before getting a neckbreaker.

McIntyre was ready for the Claymore, but Reigns fled the ring. The Challenger then got another near fall off a spinebuster before getting the Futureshock DDT. Reigns countered the Claymore with a Superman Punch before getting a spear for two near falls.

The match went back outside before McIntyre speared him through the barricades. Back in the ring, The Scottish Warrior then hit a claymore and took out the referee in the process. Looking at the advantage, Austin Theory came out to cash in his Money in the Bank contract.

Theory failed to cash in his contract as he was knocked out by Tyson Fury, who was sitting in the front row.

Back in the ring, Reigns tried to use a steel chair, but McIntyre got another claymore for a near fall. The two unloaded on each other in the ring before Drew got a spear, and the Claymore before Solo Sikoa from NXT dragged the referee out of the ring to break the count.

Reigns came in with a spear off the distraction and picked up the win!

Result: Roman Reigns def. Drew McIntyre to retain the Undisputed WWE Universal Championship

After the match, Tyson Fury got in the ring with Reigns and shook his hand. Tribal Chief then walked out with the newest member of the Bloodline, Solo Sikoa, as Fury helped McIntyre to his feet.

Fury started singing American Pie by Don McLean with Drew McIntyre, followed by Don't Look Back in Anger by the Oasis before the Clash at the Castle went off the air.

Grade: A

Show rating: A

Dominik shocked the WWE Universe by attacking his own father, while Rollins picked up a big win at WWE Clash at the Castle. McIntyre and Reigns put on a great main event while Bayley and her team dominated in their tag match.

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